Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Watch Out for Wagons


Strange sort of whiplash to go between the hot summer you're experiencing now and the 3 feet of snow in Saalfelden, 1986. It's like hearing from two Moms at the same time, unstuck in time by 20 years.

Quiet, routine Sunday, except for having to shop-- three days in a row in Publix, which has to be some kind of record for me. Carved a meal plan out of this week's Leanne. Tonight we had a very nice dish of fish (snapper) quickly browned then baked under a tomato/ onion/ garlic sauce topped with feta. Bill and Carrot approved. Hope the next three meals come out as well.

Also got the sheets changed and laundered. Pretty much on target for the week except for dusting-- need to do something about that ailing feather duster.

Let the record show I actually finished, correctly, an easy Sudoku puzzle on paper. It took a long time, longer than it did to do this week's five-star online. Go figure.

Can't believe that for the third Monday in a row I'm going into work after thinking I had the whole next week off. In a way, it's good-- instead of dreading the work week, I'm looking forward to the week off. Somehow, the disappointment isn't a factor. This is no doubt because I know in not so many weeks this mandatory work drama will be over.

Re: FL's exercise of Lessons Learned-- don't have 66, but here're three of them:

1. Never Surrender Dreams. (JMS)

2. The best things in life aren't THINGS. (unknown)

3. A man will live until he dies, unless he's runned over by a wagon. (one of our great grandparents)


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