Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


5 Aug 06


Looks like we will not be able to leave for WV til next Thursday. Bill has something unavoidable at work Tuesday. I will probably go into work Monday and Tuesday, then take Monday and Tuesday of the next week off.

I shopped for just today, and easy, prefab stuff. Now that there is a firmer departure date, I'll shop for a normal week tomorrow, making sure there are no leftovers.

Meanwhile, I got five loads of laundry done today (including a bunch of little ones for the nicer, hanging things that I do by color and immediately hang up again) so I'm ready to pack. I have a rough plan of what to take, and will have all day Wednesday to do it. I found the book I want to take, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Morrell by Susanna Clarke, and started reading it to be sure it would be a good trip book. Oh yes-- problem is, keeping myself from reading it straight through right now! It's nearly 800 pages long, so as long as I work a few days next week I'm not likely to finish it. Still, it's the kind of book that could engender all-nighters, so I'd best be careful. Bill read it months ago and loved it.

Watched another Battlestar ep, "Final Cut." Oh my-- they clearly know their audience is familiar with both Star Trek and Babylon 5, and they are playing off those expectations in order to twist your head around at the last. What wonderful stuff! I can't say enough good things about this series. And I know it would still work as great drama even without the sci fi allusions.

Mom, I didn't put any pictures or links in yesterday's post. In Thursday's, the pictures were links to web pages-- one to a PDF file, one to a Gainesville Sun story. Maybe your browser isn't set up with a PDF reader. Was anyone else out there in Blog-land able to see the pictures in the links? Don't worry about it, though-- I'll mail you the newspaper coverage, and will get Bill to print the PDF pages if need be.

Sorry you lost your post. I'll bet it's there somewhere, just saved in an unexpected folder. It happens.

It happens, indeed! I just lost this post, looking up something on Google that froze my session-- and "Recover post" did not work. Oh well, here is the version I'd saved to a Word file before a final edit.


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