Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, August 04, 2006

No News


Sometimes no news is good news, and today was one of those times. Bill woke me up with coffee around 7:15, having forgotten I just don't DO Fridays anymore... so I had the wonderful luxury of going back to sleep for another hour. Which was enough, since I'd actually gone to bed around midnight for a change.

I went shopping. One of those rare occasions when I found nothing at all to buy at B&N, and nothing at Target either (was looking there for casual clothes for the trip). Did get a couple of bills mailed, and stopped by Publix for lunch (a Waldorf salad) and some sin for later (B&J frozen yogurt and macademia nut cookies-- to be doled out over the next few days). I can see that learning to resist dietary sin will be one of my first orders of business PR.

Battlestar Galactica just gets better and better-- I watched both episodes of a two-parter today ("Home")-- just amazing. Also got an episode guide online, and had TiVo check to see where they are with reruns. It will work out well-- once I finish the first half of Season 2 on DVD, they'll be re-running the rest, so I won't have to wait for DVD 2.2 to continue. With any luck, I'll be set to start watching Season 3 as it airs-- and will FINALLY be able to talk to other fans about it-- there are several at work, but I've not wanted to be spoiled. Sounds like this was the most interesting part of my day, doesn't it? Well, it was.

A wonderful thunderstorm late this afternoon, good hard rain. A big thump on the roof, though-- something big came down. Will have to check on it tomorrow.

I Blessed the house's floors and carpets. Would'a dusted too, except that my feather duster is shedding so badly. I need to shampoo it and see if that fixes the problem. If not, well, it's nearly 4 years old, which is perhaps a long lifespan for feathers, after all.

Still no firm plans for the getaway. Regardless, I'm taking next week off. I will just plan meals one day at a time until things are settled.

How lovely to wake up in the night and hear your sprinklers raining at the appointed hour, Mom. And I hope this time they put your cable in more weather-resistant conduit. I'm guessing that the cable has to go up the hill, which may be contributing to the problem. Christ, my years as a network geek are still with me, it seems.

Doug's kids are both teens now-- Megan is a senior, and will have to face her final semester of high school in a new school, poor kid. But this will qualify her for a tuition break at any Georgia university. Young Douglass is a freshman, a serious viola player. He will have better musical opportunities in Atlanta, for sure. As far as I can tell, neither of them got much into winter activities there, and Atlanta still does get at least some snow most years, and real seasons. It will be much more convenient for Renee to visit her family, which she does each summer. She, in particular, hates Idaho, and will embrace being back in a large city and proximity to the ocean. It sounds like a big win all around. I'm glad you got to meet them at the wedding, so you have a sense of who they all are.

Trying to decide what to take along to read. Thought it might be Jonathan Strange, but can't seem to locate the house hardback copy. If all else fails, I'll pick up the mass market PB-- better for travel anyway.


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