Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Signing Off, For Now


I'm all packed, save for a short list of things to remember to pack at the last minute. Bill has not yet started to pack, yet he wants to leave "early." He has all the maps printed out (although we will mostly rely on Moonbeam's nav system to guide us) and reservations at Glade Springs. He called them today and found out they don't have net access most places-- and their reservation system has been down for days, so they don't know where we'll be staying. This does not bode well for being able to blog or game while there. Dial access is no longer a reasonable option. Maybe we'll find an internet cafe in Daniels. Or Ghent. Yeah, right! Maybe we should look for a Motel 6 room out on the highway and rent it JUST for a few hours of net access!

I did some tossing from the fridge, but not nearly what needed doing. Made the cukes into the classic (at least MY version) Graham summer dish. Braised half the bag of cole slaw mix-- the rest should still be good when we get back. Browned some cube steaks, finished them with blue cheese crumbles and minced red onion. Pretty good meal.

I did a load o' laundry. Sorted a week's worth of mail from the P.O. Box which Bill fetched. Paid all the bills. Loaded three new CD's into my iPod, and got my laptop in shape for travel. Found a bit of time to read some of my travel book (Strange/Norrell, which is wonderful!). Kitchen clean, sink shiny, and all the rest of that FL stuff. Only things I have left to do tonight are take a shower and fold a load of Bill's socks. So Far so good.

It's Lala's birthday today. Don't ask why I remember it, but I always do. It was also the day Nixon resigned, a very long time ago.

Too bad about your power loss today, Mom. How ironic, when you take all the precautions for thunderstorms, and it goes down without notice of no reason at all, seemingly. Good luck with your new gadget adventure tomorrow. I confess, I don't know what this thing is or what it looks like.

As always, enjoy reading of your adventures in Saalfelden. Keep it up, please.

So, tomorrow our little Adventure begins. The plan is to drive straight through. It's a long day, but do-able with an early start and nothing going wrong. Will drop the cat off at her Bed & Breakfast on the way out of town. Wish us all luck!


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