Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Qualifying Event


Sorry to hear that Bayfield is a recent victim of climate craziness. An arts fair blown into the lake! Now that's just rude. I hope your place and the two Rittenhouses survived, and haven't fallen victim to the magic eraser that follows me, obliterating locations from my past. This particular past was just five years ago!

Trip to the Cities sounds like fun. And how nice to not have leftovers to carry out, especially when you have plenty of food there already and more on the way. Another kind of clutter I'm learning to recognize. Makes it easier to say to to doggie bags.

More hot hot hot here, and I'd forgotten what a long hot walk it is over to the stadium even fairly early in the morning. And UF's Human Resources offices are in a very old sector which is not well air conditioned. My retirement consultation took a long time, much paperwork to sign, more to take home and study, decide and deal. A complicated business, but they are doing what they can to make it easier. I have a check list, and six weeks or so to get it done. My favorite was the paper that signifies I have a "Qualifying Event" (retirement).

Bill and I met for lunch at the Copper Monkey. Good thing, as he had another of the endless Walk-Throughs that didn't start until 5:00. This meant we didn't get home until 8:00 PM. No cooking was committed this night, but Joe Cool offered up enough leftovers to keep body and soul together (for the humans) and stripes attached (for the cat).

Folded a load of Big Whites while watching the last (oh no!) Battlestar Galactica on my DVD set. I was NOT prepared for it to be a cliff-hanger! Frack! Nor was I prepared for Michelle Forbes (Ensign Ro in ST:NG) to make an appearance. By the end of the ep, I'd hardly folded anything at all, I was so entranced. All done now, though.

Finally rained tonight. It was so incredibly hot and humid as darkness set it that it had no choice but to condense big drops out of nowhere. Thunder seemed and afterthought.

Both of us are off tomorrow, getting ready for departure. The hardest part for me will be dealing will what's in the fridge. Should be a strange meal tomorrow night.


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