Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Clogged Pipes


Rerun of last night's setting: laptop, watching preseason football.

Despite sleeping late, I got a lot done today: decluttered another shelf of stuff in the kitchen, tossing about 2/3 of it. Or rather, packed for tossing: since we missed trash pickup last Monday, there is no room in the can. Will do the actual toss tomorrow. If I'm energetic enough, will open cans and bottles to recycle, but the important thing is to get rid of it.

Also changed and laundered sheets, dusted, sorted through my coffee table stack (not too bad, but better now), and unplugged both sinks in my bathroom. Good Suze.

Made chicken fajitas wrapped in Romaine leaves. It's so nice that you can now buy these already separated, washed, and ready to go. Was going to make an interesting salad with strawberry slices, but alas, the strawberries I bought just yesterday were unsalvageable-- I wasted way too much time trying to trim off the bad spots, only to realize it was mostly bad spots. They were from Watsonville-- what did I expect? The experiment using the egg slicer on them was successful, though. Instead of the salad, I served the leftover slaw and string beans from last night.

Tonight the kitchen looks like it oughta: drainboards clear and clean, sink shining, floor swept. Stuff for three meals in the freezer and fridge. Back to the tank tomorrow. I at least had one day in there last week. It's going to be a major cold-shower shock for Bill. Seven days is the longest vacation he's had in over a year.

That reminds me: I've got all my evening routines done except for laying out the clothes. It's supposed to rain all week, Bill sez, so think I'll go with dark colored slacks (so as to not show mud splatters so much). Well, at this point, I need something to focus on to decide what to wear. All the political/social reasons have vanished. I can see I'll need to rethink my wardrobe in a big way come October. I could easily fill Blue's bed several times over with stuff that must go.

I'm very envious of your deck, fountain, bird stuff and plants, Mom. I wish you'd take some pictures. I have as one of the first things I want to do in October making the patio a pleasant place to be and look at again.

Glad to hear you had a success with that... large thing that you and Sandy broke the first time. (Can somebody give me a URL?) . I'll bet I have that 1984 birthday letter of yours somewhere amid my souvenirs. The question, of course, is WHERE.

Classes start Wednesday. Oh Joy. The grade school kids went back last week. The streets and stores are choked with hordes of confused, anxious newcomers and rude, impatient returnees. A good time to lay low and wait til things sort them out, and the confused, anxious and rude parents of the newbies go home.


At 8:54 AM, Blogger Marty said...

Here's the "thing". Rival Crockpit.


At 5:18 PM, Blogger Suzy said...

Thanks, Marty! Now I have a much better idea of what the critter is. Bill would have a fit if I brought anything to gigantic into the kitchen, though!


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