Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Airport Shuffle


What a long and stress-filled day. Bill had told Barbara that we would help ferry her and John's stuff to the airport in Blue-- they're off for a three week cruise of the North Sea-- Dover to St. Petersburg. Bill then realized he had meetings this morning that he couldn't get out of-- so that left me with the chore alone. I managed to get the Garmin GPS set up to find their place, got their luggage loaded (between her wheelchair and all the other stuff, it totally filled Blue's bed) and to the airport on time. John rode with me, so I got a rare chance to chat with him. He's an astronomer and all-around neat guy.

Since it was just me there, they left their car in long term parking, but gave me the combination lock so Bill and I could go pick up their car and drive it back to their house. After some confusion about how to get there, we got that accomplished after work tonight. We went from there to Outback and the Thursday night outting, both happy for the chance to unwind. Bill's day was complicated by someone being injured in the new building's compact shelving. This is not supposed to be possible!

Many phone calls today-- a true anti-procrastination day. A couple of good thunderstorms too. Nothing as exciting as what you got up there, though!

I'm now waiting for the towels to finish drying so I can fold and put them away. And then to bed. Looking forward to tomorrow off. Plus all next week. Plus Labor Day. Only about three more weeks of actual work left. The end is in sight.


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