Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Think I Can


Great garden report, Sandy! My mind boggles at the numbers when translated into my trips to Publix and the amount I will pay for inferior canned, frozen of "fresh" stuff I find there for the next year. I have printed out your Annual Garden Report for 2006, and will astonish Bill with it. He has never gardened in his life, and thinks it's miraculous that I can distinguish a carrot from a tomato plant. Still. Obviously, I've been remiss in educating him.

And I'm happy to hear you are Charlie are out playing golf. Even though I struck out with it at an early age, I know it has to be good exercise, especially if you walk while doing it.

And how sweet for you, Mom, to have your very own home grown tomatoes. This is a grail I've long given up in Florida, as it requires daily vigilance against horn worms, and a host of other heroic measures. If you're having problems wrapping your mouth around thick sandwiches, have you considered a sandwich press? Paninis are all the rage, and jaw-friendly, too.

Labor Day: Got the Big Three Blessings done-- establishing this as the Monday weekly routine is good. The fried chicken was glorious as a leftover for lunch. I always liked it better cold, but this was like night and day. Bill loves cast iron, so is contributing to getting the 12-inch back in action. All to the good.

Tonight I made a good thing to do with leftover ham: about 2 cups of small slices, half an onion diced, 8 oz sliced mushrooms, all sauteed in 2TB butter. When cooked, turn off heat and add 1/2 cup sour cream. Serve over ... whatever. Recipe calls for faux-rice (cooked shredded cauliflower) though real rice would do. My favorite is braised shredded cabbage, which is what I did tonight. Bill assumed the cat would not approve of this glotch, but when he cut her some bits of the ham, she squeeked her approval loud and clear! We all were happy. Leftover faux-tato salad was better than ever.

Football is still a week away. Took a break from S/N to re-read (who knows how many times) John Varley's Titan -- call it comfort reading (analogy to comfort food): it tasted great, and less filling. Just what I needed.

Do I really have to go to WORK tomorrow? Someday I'll look back on this and it will all seem funny. About four weeks from now, actually. I can do this.
[edited 6 sept 06]


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