Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Burger/Mac Block (R)


It may be all my fault Mom, but I'm not sorry. At least it got you thinking about cooking again. Here was the forumla I came up with:

Start water, cook macaroni. Brown 1-1/4# ground beef (what I happened to have on hand). While that's going on, chop up an onion and half a green pepper. Add that, along with a clove of garlic (minced or crushed). When meat is brown and onions start to look a bit cooked, add a 15-oz can of diced tomatoes (mine had green chiles in them) and an 8-oz can of tomato sauce. Let this simmer until pasta is done. Drain pasta, then put it back in big pot, pour the ground beef stuff over, mix around, then squeeze it into a casserole dish (I had a bit left over). Top with shredded sharp cheddar cheese. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

Obviously, many variations are possible, but this one was wonderful, and I loved it all over again for lunch today. I'm sure yours will be better tomorrow, and I too am thinking about freezing the leftovers in single serving sizes.

I realized today that the RSS feed is built into blogspot blogs, so now I have LotsaFlies on my Bloglines page. I highly recommend this way to keep track of web sites that change frequently, but with the caveat that it will suck up even more of your time than the web already does, and will follow you wherever you go. Beware!

I shopped. (Local Publix)

I chopped. (Made fruit salad and Mexican Cole Slaw, as requested. It is so miserably hot I could not imagine actually cooking, so we had sushi and shrimp ring. No complaints.)

I read. (Rainbows End. About 2/3 through. Not a page-turner like the Varley was, especially since you have to stop and think about the implications of the technological innovations he presents, but still compelling)

And I wonder how many blogs will be featuring this particular comic tonight (as always, click to enlarge):


At 7:22 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

Yeah, I get that cartoon (Florence does not) and wondered the same thing!!

At 7:28 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

And one more thing, for Mom's use: How much macaroni?

My mac/cheese formula goes like this, if anyone is interested (this is not the hamburger dish). Per quart of finished product, I use one cup macaroni (pre-boiling), one cup milk, 1 1/2 TB butter, ditto flour. I make a white sauce out of those last three and add enough sharp cheddar to make it right (probably 1/2 -3/4 cup shredded per quart). This can be eaten as soon as mac is done and it's combined or it can be put in a casserole dish, topped with buttered crumbs, and baked. It was Marty who pointed out that the baking is extra. Anyway, a normal batch for the two of us is two quarts. First time I made it (in Fargo), Charlie looked at the casserole dish and said, "What are you going to eat?


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