Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Ready? Oh Yeah


Manning vs Manning is coming to an end as I type on my laptop. Looks like big brother will win, but little brother made it a good fight. Also looks like Ma Manning is comfortably numb on some excellent meds. (Aw. Poor ending, mistakes. Too bad. But still a good game.)

Thanks for the wonderful garden pics, Sandy. The tomato-deprived among us can only look and weep at your glut.

I'm also envious of Mom and Sandy both having the first fires of the season. Sigh! The best we can say here is that it wasn't brutally hot today-- overcast until late, then a long hard rainstorm. Good thing, as I was using the oven for a pork tenderloin with roasted vegetables (onions, mushrooms, turnips and garlic) at 450. As usual, the tenderloin was raw for way too long compared to the other stuff, then suddenly overcooked. I tied the two pieces together, but now I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to just leave the pieces separate, for a recipe like this.

Rest of the day was football, of course. (Discovered that TiVo works fine with satellite channels-- just can't cope with lower level cable! If only I'd known that, I could have watched "Mermaid Chair" last night via satellite. But that's another story) We were of course delighted to watch the Jags ruin T.O.'s Cowboys debut. Poor Bill-- as soon as he quite watching, they caught fire. Hope this is not a jinx in the making. Overall, we were happy with the outcomes of opening Sunday: Evil was thwarted (Tennessee, Carolina). Only real bummer was Green Bay being blanked-- but how bad can you feel when it's Da Bears that administered the spanking?

School day tomorrow. As soon as Berman and Jackson finish their thing, time to hit the showers and the rack.


At 6:53 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

We could not agree with you more. We hate to see the Packers' streak broken, but we love the Bears more than the Packers. Nice to have football back.

At 8:41 AM, Blogger Marty said...

Aaaaaghhh! I could barely BEAR to watch the Packers yesterday! Luckily, I was processing tomatoes so had an excuse to hide in the kitchen where I can't see (but can still hear) the TV. None of my hot-shot fantasy team players did anything good yesterday, either. Not an auspicious start to the season for me!


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