Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Words Fail


An attempt to get back into the blogging habit-- nothing I have to say seems to matter that much, given Mom's travail. Words fail me, I'm afraid. Since I'm so far away from the scene, we'll have to wait for Sandy and/or Mom to supply the definitive account.

I've been plugging away at my various routines, and all is on track for One More Week. Have a couple of exit and financial meetings scheduled, but the main order of business will be cleaning out my office. Can't do it on the weekend because Saturday is a home game, and Sunday is Football Day. Will try to take home a load each night this week.

I've scheduled easy things to cook. I hope. I did buy an actual head of loose-leaf lettuce this week instead of the bagged stuff I usually get. Call it a head start on getting back to REAL salads again on days when time is not so critical. Bill went shopping with me yesterday, a rare treat-- we always end up with such interesting things when he's along. He wanted to try pluots, which have all but driven real plums off the shelf. They seem to be plums only sweeter, which in my book does not equal better. They also were dead ripe, so I used them sliced with cottage cheese for a side tonight. Had some wild salmon roasted at high heat in butter & olive oil topped with chopped onion and thyme. Used the LeCr pan, but made sure it was hot before putting it in the oven. Surprisingly good. Simple cole slaw too. Had leftover pasta and 4-bean salad last night with sushi, since we got back quite late.

Good that the Gators won yesterday after a shakey start. Not sure why we've taken to watching their games this year-- usually we couldn't care less. Football today was not so much fun. The Jags beat themselves (although Peyton and company had a little something to do with it), after which I watched the hapless Niners suffer a fairly honorable defeat. Last time I looked, the hated Broncos were beating the Pats. Bleaah.

Get better soon, Mom. Needless to say, I'm thinking of you constantly. If anyone knows how to do this, you do! I'm looking forward to the day you feel like posting again.

And hang in there, Sandy. Post when you can. If this had to happen, you must admit it's a very nice place to be marooned...


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