Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Still Here


Sorry about the long blog silence-- convergence of Blogger's problems, my desktop computer again having the buzzing problem bigtime, and every single night since Saturday being a major sporting event on TV has made it very difficult to blog. Using my laptop, but it too has problems: needs numerous updates and patches, plus the cat thinks SHE should be my one and only laptop. No sooner did I start to type that last clause than she hopped up here again! I' ve had to put this over onto the little round table-- much harder to type at this height and angle. This may be very short.

We are FINALLY having some cold weather-- into upper 30's last night, and did not make 70 today. About frakkin time. This also explains the cat's sudden burst of affection! Titania and I (covered in the fleece gator blanket Systems gave me) put out enough heat to be of feline interest.

The blog archives came in handy today when the buzzing was so alarming I was driven to attempt an emergency backup. Trying to figure out when I'd last done one, May 27 seemed to be an unusually frequent date. When I checked that date, I confirmed that was when we installed a new 200GB hard drive-- which means I have a VERY complete backup as of that date: my old HD. It also reminded me that since that didn't fix the problem, it isn't the HD anyway-- probably the power supply. Bill ordered me a new one tonight. We'll see it that lets me put off getting a new one for a few more months.

Sandy, I got your new avatar pictures tonight, but have not had a chance to do anything with them. Also, I still have issues to resolve with where my main web server resides now that I'm retired. I've lost my grip on the one atlantic.net (ie, in the last 10 years I've forgotten how to post files to it) and have never tried using the one at suznbil. Should investigate getting space on UF's plaza server.

I can hear that damnable buzzing all the way in here. Have to shut it down at night so we can sleep.

Top of the 9th. Looks like the Cards should take it. No strong feelings either way, but I know St. Louis was the team of our Iowa ancestors, and we had a nice visit there recently. Plus, an ex-Gator player Eckstein, plays for them. Bill and I saw him play several times in the friendly confines of the local ballpark.

I've been cooking mainly out of 15 minutes Low Carb without any real plan. So far so good, but it is stressful. Want to get back to doing a weekly plan, which works much better. Really nice salad out of there tonight though-- note to self-- Not Quite Middle Eastern. New FC came today and has some wonderful-looking stuff.

Almost finished The Lighthouse. After that I'll have to think about what to read next. Probably back to Strange/Norrell, or maybe some of Fragile Things.

Hope I can actually get this posted... edit later. Thanks for soldiering on, Mom, and glad to hear you're making progress with your mobility.

And I hope I can start blogging earlier in the day when it might be easier to deal with the cat asleep under my elbow.


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