Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Mount Clutter


I followed through on getting up at 9:00, and indeed, the day did seem longer and I felt more productive. Nothing notable to brag about, but several things crossed off the weekly list. The only thing I didn't get to was decluttering (not counting the Zine stack, which I did reduce to 6 inches or so). That is my own personal mountain: Mount Clutter. Mount Washmore was conquered years ago, and seems like a molehill now.

The magic olives actually arrived today, but not until after 6:30, as Bill was arriving home. Too late to shop for the rest of the stuff. I think now I'll cook on Friday, usually a day off, just so I can try a shrimp cocktail that uses green olives and cilantro. I also need to use the eggplant. The Brussels sprouts will keep another few days, cute little cabbages that they are.

Tonight we had broiled lamb chops and assorted leftovers: the TTS slaw, Sandy's cuke salad, the last of the roasted squash and shallots. (Note to self: always reheat roasted squash-- it is not good cold, as I found out at lunch yesterday.) Nothing to brag about, but it was all good, and our lamb-loving cat was in heaven.

Hot and sweaty all day, overcast most of it, with moisture condensing out as fine warm rain by mid-afternoon. It actually rain-rained for about 10 minutes, then went back to drizzle, still going on as I type, and the cat came in wet from her nightly sojourn. It's good, because it's been so dry here for the past month that we're looking at fire hazards with all the dry grass and weeds added to the fall leaves.

So what to do on a dreary day? I re-watched the BG pilot, which after seeing two seasons plus two eps, looked completely different, actually LESS grim than the first time. You see which characters are going to be important, which are red-shirts, and everyone in between-- because this is one of those series where no one is safe, and there are many copies of the Cylons so... but no more spoilers. See it for yourselves.

Good luck with sleeping in your own bed tonight, Mom. And do I have to remind you of the core FlyLady mantra? You are NOT BEHIND (let alone "behinder and behinder"). There is no wagon, you cannot fall off. When you are ready (and not before) you will not jump, maybe, but step carefully in where you are. You are doing great. The fact that you manage to blog every day, let alone transcribe your jottings, is an amazing accomplishment you should be proud of.

Sandy, I'm so envious of your winter stash, and precious little danger that a power outtage would have any effect at all. Good place to be: in the middle of a large continent, extremes and all. And that cuke recipe is a keeper that gets better as it ages-- the peppers become less agressive, but infuse the cukes with subtle sparkle. Many thanks.

Time to bag it.


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