Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Brutally Cool


Marty, you are in the early lead for the recipe challenge-- it sounds wonderful! I'm definitely going to try it. Thanks.

Mom, if I've never heard a better testimonial to the virtues of FlyLady's fly-washing -- the very fact that you identified your very understandable feelings as a "Pity Party" obviously made all the difference: you couldn't get that particular party started, seeing it for what it really was. I've had the same experience, on a smaller scale, several times. As soon as I think, "Oh, here comes a Pity Party," the emotional energy just dries up. The recognition and the naming defuses it. Emotions are great fuel, but better if we can channel them into enthusiasm and passion for what we love. Yeah, some venting, some grief is to be expected. But the PP is something beyond. I'm proud of you for recognizing it. I hope you can cut yourself some slack, ease back into routines, and keep on eating anything that seems at all appealing.

And speaking of parties, I got through the retirement party this morning, and it wasn't all that bad. As expected, thanks to Bill, the theme was Barks' ducks. I am the Duck Girl. They had the area decorated with Donald pictures and a cake featuring Disney characters. The usual gift these days is a nicely framed picture, usually of some rustic Florida scene from Special Collections: my picture was a Carl Barks cover! Donald relaxing in a hammock, reading a book, smiling at the kids who are playing with a hose, making Mud Lake on the lawn. I was overwhelmed with the gesture, and the perfectly chosen image.

I stood, smiling, not able to eat or drink any of the lovely breakfasty stuff offered, for about two hours. By the end of it, my voice was gone, and my feet (I was wearing a short skirt and heels) threatening to sever diplomatic relations with the rest of my body. There were over 100 people there, and I didn't get to even speak to all of them. And quite a few I knew wanted to be there but couldn't. A couple of out of the blue gifts that I didn't get a chance to respond to. One included a priceless photo of me, in 1967, just hired in my first professional job as junior humanities cataloger, along with my first teacher/mentor, Mrs. {Frances} McDonald. I had never seen the picture, never knew it existed, and it is a treasure. I will post it to the blog, along with some of the memories it provoked, but not tonight.

Tomorrow my first order of business will be to start on the 15+ messages I need to send to the wonderful, thoughtful gestures people made.

Went to lunch with Bill and Barbara afterwards at Applebee's, and had something new: a Bruschetta Burger, possibly the best burger ever: topped with pesto, minced tomato stuff, over mozzerella, on foccacia, served with real potato fries done with a bit of garlic and slivered parmesan. Heaven! I had to ask for a box, which I never do, but it was worth it.

There was a baby shower scheduled in Cataloging in the afternoon, so I knew there was no way I could get any work done in the afternoon, so had Bill and Barbara drop me off at home. Still time enough to get the country pork ribs started in the crock pot on high and have it done in time. Something I'd made before and knew was good. And it was again. Steamed some sugar snap peas and miked some hubbard squash. (This latter needs more work.)

Bill came home with a magical new toy-- I call it The Convergence, and will write more about it when there is time to explore it further. Just say for now, it is brutaly cool. As was the whole day, now that I think back upon it.


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