Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Whole Lotta Baseball


Welcome home, Mom. Although, to a very different home experience than the one you left. I'm glad you have an onsite helper there to get new routines established. It's good that you have the motivation to do your PT and exercise also: regaining your much-prized independence. Just take it slow-- if ever there were a good time to apply the baby steps metaphor, it's now.

Marty, we both love hummus. I used to make it long ago. I look forward to a transcription of your by-feel recipe. That would make a great changeup from the endless variations on the sour cream/cream cheese theme we know and love.

I was assuming that as the Barks expert, Sandy, you would know the story in that invitation image. I see in the lower left hand corner that it was WDC 256, but that would have been long after I stopped reading them as a kid. I might have it somewhere in my various reprint collections, but have not looked yet. My favorite part of the panel is the depiction of the weather-- the beautiful fog bank off shore, and the way the wind has blown back the tassel on Donald's hat, and bent back the bills of the kids' caps. I can almost taste the sea air, and of course, the lighthouse imagery is powerful on many levels. Bill was complicit in this selection-- when asked what kind of comics I was into, he said, "Barks' Ducks!"-- but someone else chose the panel, and obviously it's somewhere in the Library's holdings.

Got the paperwork dropped off this morning, picked up the dipping veggies, got them processed, finished the Blessings, and watched a whole lotta baseball on my severely fubar AV system. (Will spare you the details of this tale of woe, for now anyway.) The only game that went my way was Oakland winning, but I know that was probably a major bummer for all you you-- I do like the Twins, and wish they'd drawn either the Yankees or Detroit so I could root for them too.

Made Grecian Skillet Ribeyes (an old favorite) along with Fauxtatoes and sauteed zucchini. It's so nice to have the time to do a relaxed mis en place, and not have to do everything at breakneck speed at the last minute. I could get used to this...

More to say, but the yawns are intervening. Gee, it's not even 1:00 AM yet.


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