Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Like Mike


Well, what an unexpected treat-- a blog from Mom! Was not expecting you back in the online saddle so soon. I'll bet the hospital staff are slack-jawed at not only your recovery speed, but your techno-savvy! And it's good that you are complaining about the food (and rightly so-- no salt or butter? That's not living...). Bill's dad (like his mom, an MD) always said he was glad when his patients started griping because that meant they were getting better. It's good that you're on schedule to go home Monday.

Countdown continues here. I started taking booktruck loads of stuff down to the Systems loading dock today. We will drive Blue tomorrow and fill up the bed. And again Friday night. Will come in Sunday morning to finish up. Bringing this stuff in is going to be a clutter catastrophe. Not sure if I mentioned the 17 boxes of Yogi's Heritage books that will be arriving within the next week also. I predict we will NOT have Christmas in the Great Room this year... sigh.

The crock pot thing I did today was the best (and easiest) ever-- apparently the ur crock recipe: put in 8 oz sliced mushrooms, 2-3 pounds of chuck roast, an envelope of onion soup mix, and half a cup of red wine. Turn on crock in the morning. At night, remove meat, thicken gravy, enjoy. I will chop up and freeze the leftovers in Beef Stuff-sized packages for future quick meals. Forgot to buy cauliflower this week, so frozen mixed veg was the only side. It was enough.

Sink is shined, and all the stuff that goes with that, but I have not laid out my clothes. Really, really hard to care about it at this point-- just grab whatever's to hand and appropriate to the weather conditions. Hey, I bet this is the way men do it all the time! :-) So that's what I'll do.

Ah god, more stuff about and by John M (Mike) Ford keeps pouring into the online communities I frequent, and I know it is going to continue for awhile. It really pisses me off to discover someone shortly before or just after they've died. I feel personally cheated. The good part is there is a huge vein of buried treasure there that suddenly is coming to light, and will take me and other newbies a while to discover and digest. But still. Dammit. This is someone I needed to shake hands and share a smile with, at the very least. His mind worked all the time a lot like mine sometimes does, in its best moments. Guess I should be glad I got to know him at all.

Okay. Two more days. I can do this. Really. I can.


At 9:17 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

I still seem be racing around like a madman, but I have to add a couple of comments. Loved the recipe!!!!

And your crockpot recipe -- this was wildly popular in the early sixties, before crockpot days, done in the oven (for a shorter time, of course). It was known as "sweep steak," because it was sweeping the country.


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