Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Amazing Techno-Woman


Love your idea for a book, Mom-- it can be the follow-up to your best-seller, Hotels I've Known and Loved (with chapters for sitting rooms, kitchenettes, bedrooms, bathrooms (a special section for "trickies"), and of course, views out the windows. Maybe a separate section for balcony sunset shots.

Look forward to a continuation of the adventures you started relating last night-- but I bet you won't have time tonight, what with getting ready to head home tomorrow. I hope all goes will with this complicated venture. It's going to be an interesting few weeks for you. Not surprising that you are amazing your care-takers with your technological prowess. I love the image of them standing rapt, looking at your laptop slide show. They'll be talking about the Amazing Techno-Woman for a long time to come. Maybe there will be songs and legends.

Sandy, so happy you got to meet [the person I call] EJ, and experience his Tiki Bar. I hope you'll do a blog post about it, for posterity, as it'were. Kathy is wonderful too, and they've been very kind to me over the years. I should post some of my writings from that era when we met, which was nearly 30 years ago.

I had another day of playing stevedore-- I know it's going to catch up with me, probably tomorrow. We took Blue to work in the late morning, and loaded the unboxed books into Blue: each booktruck load had to be arranged by me, kneeling in Blue's corregated bed liner, into long stack-ready rows. Amazingly enough, all of about 9 shelves-worth fit into a single layer of Blue, standing on end.

Of course, that left getting them all OUT of Blue-- staging them in stacks in the kitchen table, then moving them into the Great Room armload by armload, on my own. (Bill had to go back to work.) They took about 3-1/2 rows in front of the windows. I truly hope this represents the bottoming out of the tidal wave of clutter that drowned us recently. It took a long time. My back was aching, and I'm sure I'll be in agony tomorrow if I don't do some stretching and other exercise, despite inevitable pain. I need to get out to shop for food, too.

I created another meal tonight out of nothing much at all: an unmemorable stir fry (had two sweet peppers I needed to use, a single frozen chicken breast, a large sweet onion, and plenty of celery. I also had 4 spare oz of low-carb linguine, and an unwashed head of frilly green lettuce. I'd forgotten what a pain in the butt lettuce in the raw can be! How lazy and spoiled that pre-washed stuff has made us. The meal was forgettable, but it was adventure creating it, and a bitch to clean up after. All done, though.

Somewhere in there was some football. I listened while doing other stuff, averting my eyes while the 49ers were demolished by KC, and agonizing as the Jags shot themselves numerous times to manage a loss to the 'Skins. Nice to see the Bears win, though I like Seattle too, so bittersweet.

The Little Nemo book was indeed mind-blowing when I opened itlast night. Despite all the hype, it is probably the single most beautiful book I am lucky enough to own.

Tomorrow is, quite literally in one sense, the first day of the rest of my life. We'll see how that goes.


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