Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Donald


I've been dreading the delayed farewell party, until this morning, when I saw this.

(click on image to enlarge)

How delightful! I don't know who chose the image, but it's goddam PERFECT. Maybe, with comics as a theme, it won't be as hateful as these events usually are.

Felt like a normal vacation day-- up around 9:30, morning routines, 4 loads of laundry (including sheets and towels), comics reading (takes about 45 minutes per day online), various email monitoring, shopping at Publix. Spent 15 minutes in The Zone taking 4 armloads of catalogs out to curbside recycling, and (alas) bringing in the 4 armloads of files that escaped three separate triage operations from Blue's cab.

And I wasn't even all that achy-breaky backed today; probably more hauling was the right thing to do. Tomorrow morning will tell the real tale, though.

Got two of the weekly Blessings Done: floors and carpets. All in all, a pretty good start. Plan to add to routines slowly, in the approved baby-stepping manner. No crashing and burning.

Accidently came home with freshly steamed (rather than raw) shrimp due to a misunderstanding with the fish counter guy. I ended up peeling the cooked shrimp and serving them as is instead of the Greek Scampi I had planned. Fruit salad. Regular salad. No cooking involved, which is good, since it is still ridiculously hot here. I burned my fingers badly opening Blue's door in the Publix parking lot, blisters and all. Feh. This is October?

Will need to go out tomorrow also-- drop off a retirement form, and get some Dipping Veggies (his term) for Bill-- he's addicted to dipping carrot, celery, zucchini, etc., in any and all dips-- perfectly legal under Atkins. (Forgot to pick them up today.) So farthe dips are mostly store-bought, but now that I have some slack, I plan to explore the wonderful world of dips that Mom has so thoroughly mapped. So, what's everyone's favorite dip?

Very glad to hear that the West Coast Gang made it back to Wisconsin safely. I hate traveling eastward, as it thwarts my bio-rhythms, but it should help that none of you has to get up what will seem ungodly early tomorrow. I hope. Good luck with the re-entry. Look forward to hearing how it all goes.

Time to play bartender again (second round) and watch a little more football, the duel of happy quarterbacks.


At 8:55 AM, Blogger Marty said...

If Bill and you have any interest in Hummus, I make a damn good one. I can try to come up with a real recipe (I make it by feel) if that's up your alley at all.

At 9:20 PM, Blogger Sandy said...

Dips later. The party notice is, indeed, a gas. Barks even, but what comic??


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