Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Day 3


I'd say you did more than just make an effort today, Mom. You are indeed lucky to have a PT person you already know and have good rapport with. And aren't you glad you did all that Nordic? Comes in handy now. Thanks for making the effort to blog. Being so far away, I do appreciate the reports on how you're doing, as I think about you often throughout the day.

Day 3 of my new life went well-- the very best part is being able to actually relax for a change. No deadlines. No impending meetings or business trips. The usual free-floating anxiety is reduced dramatically. Like being on a cruise, except this one is not scheduled to end in 10 days.

Since the time is now mine, I find myself willing to get up earlier (around 9:00), get my morning routines out of the way, get a few things done, then enjoy the rest of the day... what a concept!

Baseball again today, during which I wrote bills and get a load of laundry done. Getting caught up on some magazine reading (both paper and online) too.

Dinner, alas, was a failure. I should know better, having tried something similar before: there is no such thing as "Noodleless Lasagne"-- a contradiction in terms. What we ended up with was baked Jeff-Goop (Sandy will remember this) -- tasted great, but so gloppy it had to be served in bowls, like soup. Bill and Carrot were dellighted with it, but I was appalled. Oh well, at least the week of cooking is done. And I've had great lunches every day so far.

When the Yankee/Tigers game was finally called off due to rain, I watched two Battlestar Galactica episodes-- only three more to go and I'll be caught up in time for the start of season 3 on Friday. It will be the first time I've watched this series live. I've had to censor my entertainment press reading to keep from being spoiled-- so glad that part is finally at an end. Very dense and engaging drama on many levels.

And so to bed.


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