Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Recipe Challenge


One of the problems with pricey jeans is that they demand shoes that, while not equally pricey, are at least new and stylish. I wore them out shopping today, and they picked out two pairs they liked.

While taking them shopping, I stopped by Best Buy, usually very quiet on a Tuesday, and discovered a local radio station blasting away in the parking lot, plus Domino's giving away pizza, plus a huge fancy tour bus, and all the employees guarding the door. I sneaked past all this, only to see that the store was crammed with people gathered around a rock band setting up to give a performance in the store-- what the...? I turned around and left. Still have no idea what was all about, and care less.

Spent the extra time (and money) in B&N, picking up Scott McCloud's latest, Making Comics (looks like great fun!), Neil's latest, Fragile Things (ditto, but totally different kind of fun, short stories and his whimsical poetry), The Mermaid Chair (to check against the TV adaption), a new NFL guide, and -- best of all -- the latest For Better or For Worse collection: She's Turning into One of Them! Of course, I immediately zero in on things that I could use to update my paper, although of course I never will; just some sort of scholarly twitch.

Tomorrow I have to be at work at an early hour for one last time-- and it's my own damn fault: I asked for a morning event, hoping to keep the hoopla to a minimum. But I was thinking it would happen in my last week of work. Oh well. I have a list of errands and computer-related loose ends that still need tying, so I'll need to stay the whole live-long day. Poor pitiful me! A whole day at work! How come Bill isn't more sympathetic?

Tonight I invented a dish, since I couldn't find a menu that suited the ingredients I wanted to use: frozen ch breasts, Roma tomatoes, sliced pepper jack cheese, an avocado. Okay, bloggers: What would YOU do with those four ingredients? My solution, while not elegant, actually drew praise from man and cat. (They had not been tipped off that it was an experiment.)

Bill downloaded an episode of South Park tonight that was about World of Warcraft. We watched it on his laptop, and I know just enough about WoW for it to be hilarious.

Mom, I'm very glad to see you post, however short. And those after dinner drinks are called "nightcaps" -- a lovely concept that helps you kick back at the end of the day and get ready for sleep. The pre-dinner drinks work fine as long as someone else is doing the cooking and the clean-up.

Time to sleep. Time to wake up early, one more time. And yet another unedited post gets flung into the blogosphere. Oh well, better than nothing, I guess.


At 8:57 AM, Blogger Marty said...

Recipe challenge answer:

I would stuff the chicken breasts with the cheese and tomatoes (with some added ingredients - perhaps some parsley and green onions), coat them with panko and saute them. I would make guacamole with the avocado and serve it in dollops on top of the chicken. Actually, that sounds excellent and I might just try it!


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