Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Do I Need a Second Life?


Back to using my control journal again, looking at both the daily and weekly routine pages. It really does help.

I'm at about the same stage you are with post-Christmas, Mom. Bill separated the tree parts, and I wrangled them into plastic bags, two out of the three into a larger sack-thing that Amazon used to gift-wrap the Scooba. Still need to seal the remaining boxes, which helps keep the various critters out of the boxes when they're in the store room. The end is in sight.

Was going to do a crock pot thing with chicken pieces, but just wasn't in the mood. With Sandy's online help, I made a wonderful oven roasted dish using just butter, some fresh thyme, dried rosemary, a few garlic cloves and a large quartered shallot. We all loved it. Bill had leftover cauli-rice, and I had leftover Indian potato stir-fry.

Spent too much time today trying to get started on Second Life. This is a project Bill has taken on at work (interesting interface for the library of the future). That graphics card that we removed as the source of all the computer noise -- turns out I needed that to make Second Life possible. Also turned out that they are experiencing severe growing pains and their entire grid was down anyway. Tonight I gave it a try on my laptop, with more modern graphics -- only to find that there were bandwidth issues on both our end and theirs. Especially theirs. Most of the time I was connected I spent trying to fuss with my avatar's appearance. All very slow and clunky. I do want to persevere with it, though, if only as a test dummy. If I can't make the interface work, then our average user will probably have trouble too.

Only remember babysitting once or twice for the Maas kids while they still lived in the Eichler house. (They were wild children, and I'm amazed any of them survived to adulthood.) Don't remember them in the Wilder house. Does Kenny still live in that same house? And of course I remember Beth. She and I were close to the same age, and we spent some time together that year she was living with them and I was working at Westinghouse. A nice girl.

Time to sleep. Time to wake, all too soon.


At 10:14 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

I must have babysat the Maas kids more than you, Suzy, though not too much. Mal wasn't much younger than I was, and difficult. They all were devils. I once (and only once) took them shopping, a grocery store, I guess, maybe even Rancho. They astonished me by stealing everything they could get in their pockets, including cigarettes, though I guess I didn't know what was going on until we got home and they showed me their loot. Stunning!


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