Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Almost forgotten what spring was like!

16.IV.07 - MoM

From what I gathered on the Jane Austin bit, there is already a very popular "cult" following with many groups.

Sandy mentioned my addiction to "flip flops." I have never forgotten unpacking our first box of them at the drug store when they first happened. (It was probably about 1953 or 54.) Of course, they were rubber and meant for the beach but I started wearing them that day graduating to leather ones as soon as they came on the market. It seems to me the leather ones were Benardos and were rather expensive. Seldom a summer has gone by that I haven't bought some. I wore them year round in CA. The other girls in the drug store always wore "nurse-type" laced shoes and hated to hear me flap flap around. I finally said I would try lace up shoes when we went to Clayt's new store in Sunnyvale, but only until I got blisters on my heels. I only had to wear them one day till I had them. I bought some nice thongs in Ashland to wear to your wedding, Suzy, but they turned out to be a little large and not all that comfortable. Kay washed my tried and true comfortable white ones making them look like new so I was able to be comfortable for your wedding. I don't know how many years I have had those and wear them every summer and they were only 6.95! (I have 2 white, 1 blue and 1 green, all the same style.)

I remember the Madrid hotel, but can't call up the name but would recognize it at once if I would take the trouble to get out one of the books. It was one of the better one in Madrid. (Might it have been "Prado?) I remember a mirrored area, I think sort of a dressing room just outside the bathroom and I think we put your "cot" there. I think we got in a little late and had eaten before we got there. We stayed in Madrid several other times, but a one of the Melias in what they called a Jr. Suite.

I had MSNBC on all day from the minute the horrors began and hoped they would get back to my afternoon grograms, but that was not to be so I gave up and went to Home and Garden. We stayed in Blacksburg a lot as it was an easy day from Shannondale, there was a Sheraton we liked and a wonderful restaurant. I hadn't realized that the campus was so large. So sad.

I was eating early so I decided that I would try again with the salmon and Hollandaise. I did okay for a while then after eating about half of the serving I couldn't choke down another bite. So, after having a High Protein Boost for lunch, I had a Boost Plus to complete the food day. Tomorrow Sandy is taking me shopping and we will be having lunch out.

I'm yawning. Time for bed! Good sleeping temperature.
I made a little more progress in my bedroom and decided I really need to get the closet done first. That time I had taken everything out into the bedroom first. I can't really do that this time as there would be no place to sleep.

I had a pretty good night for a change and only needed one nap today. I was in bed before 10 p.m., last night. I had the doors open a lot today as the temp outside was beautiful. I have lots of kinds of cute little blue bulbs blooming. Some jonquils are up but don't see any buds yet -- keeping my fingers cross due to the late frost. I still have hopes for the forsythia, but I don't want to climb the narrow path to get close enough to check it.

I guess I did a little more today than usual as I'm tired and I really mean it when I say I am going to bed a little earlier than I have been. Besides, my nightly newsmen are preempted and I have had more than enough already of the details of the tragedy.

By the way, don't they have storm warning sirens in Gainesville, or were they drowned out by the wind and perhaps some snoring?



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