Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

A strange year for weather

15.IV.07 - MoM

My dull dinner is done and now I can enjoy my 2 gins. Yet again, I had a good sized plate of the salmon loaf and Hollandaise. I don't think I can face it again tomorrow, so plan to give it a rest for a day and think up something else for at least one night. I finished up with a large chunk of a pretty good little basketball sized watermelon. I also managed to have my tea, cookies and large V8 breakfast, Boost and Meta/Orange juice. Usual mid-day naps. Really no need to record this dull routine every day. The Sunday paper and the cross-word in the TV section keeps me occupied until about noon. I miss my usual all news TV, but the Home and Garden channel for the rest of the day after Tim Russert's "Meet The Press," does take care of my background noise,

Did you sleep through the storm in your area, Suzy? It is supposed to hang around further north for a few days. Sounds as if Chris is getting some. I talked with them last night.

Too bad you are in a different time zone. The Today Show (only 1 hour on Sunday -- 8 to 9) had a short feature on Jane Austin during the last 10 minutes. I was able to alert Sandy so she saw most of it.

Our weather could not have been nicer today. I had doors open and no heat on for most of the day.

Except for one day this week, I have been good about my lace up shoes and I actually missed them. It will be harder to wear them when warm weather comes. I hate hot feet. I have the "tennis" shoes is two sizes to accommodate winter sox.

With only a couple of quickie naps, I expect to try going to bed early tonight.

* * * * *

The rest of the Sandy letter of 26 May 85 to us in Saalfelden.

Lost four rosebushes over the winter, put in 4 more. Bob missed the tulips and jonquils, which were wonderful this year. Now Shasta daisies are coming in the bed, and promises to be very nice, too.

I still remember that I owe you $400. I'm waiting to see what happens about summer school. I'll teach if the class has enough students. If it doesn't I'll have to wait till fall, when Bob starts getting paid again by the university on October 1 is the last possible date you'll get it,

I hope I didn't scare you too much on the phone the other night. The satellite cuts out all voice inflection. I really thought you were angry about something last time you called me, then I figured it out. One time when Bob called me from Europe we talked for a few minutes -- I was ecstatic to hear from him -- then he called me back a few minutes later to see if I still liked him because my voice had sounded so cold. And, I had been exuding joy and excitement, It's weird,

Well, I have to go get into my graduation garbage. Whenever I have students graduating I go. It's important to them and their parents. Costs $15.00 to rent the costume. I should have bought one ages ago.

Bob says hello, and is looking forward to seeing you and Saalfelden,

Love, Sandy



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