Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Crocus trying again, jonquils taking their time

13.IV.07 - MoM

When I first got my HP printer, I loved being able to scan and e-mail things and used it a lot. Then, later after it had been moved and was connected to a different computer, I was no longer able to do it. I really look forward to being able to use it again.

I had been hearing the name of Soares a lot since the Imus fiasco. It is the name of the black minister who has been working with him. I was curious to see it in print and finally did -- Rev. Deforest Soaries. It is the first time I have seen the name with an "I" in it. Sandy says she has seen it before.

Funny, for some time the "screen" that happens when I closed my eyes was my Freecell computer screen but lately is has changed to a crossword puzzle screen. Unfortunately, when I try to fill in missing letters, they quickly change.

I have had my favorite salmon loaf recipe hanging on the fridge door and finally decided I was going to do it this afternoon. Of course, it took forever as I no longer keep all the things needed and it was a struggle to do a mis en place. I had to go through too many loaves of sliced and unsliced bread that should have been sealed and in the freezer. Was able to rescue a couple of unsliced French bread. I decided I didn't want to cut into them to make coarse crumbs, so I substituted fine bread crumbs knowing it would make a dense salmon loaf. Then, there was the milk -- I had to make up some from powdered stuff. Then, I had to check by the floatation check the 2 six packs of eggs. Seven of the 12 are still okay by that test. Finally, I gave up sticking to the recipe and went off on my own. All I can say was that it was food. There are 3 more meals, but tomorrow I will make some Knorrs Hollandaise sauce that I will be able to drown the salmon in.

* * * * *

This is a Sandy letter dated 26 May 85.

I won't even apologize for not writing, because that's so tiresome. Suffice it to say that the computer is back in the living room on my desk. Makes a big difference. [Funny but when I typed "suffice it to say" it reminded me of Pa -- it was a favorite phrase of his.]

Bob really enjoyed seeing you, as did the other Z boys. Joe and Jay were here last night for a party, and were talking about you and about how much fun it was to meet you. {They were playing in Swabisch Hall in Bavaria and we went up to see them and attend their concert. We really enjoyed meeting them and had fun hanging out that afternoon before the concert -- good food and drinks, too. The reaction of the audience at their concert was interesting as was the music. We were really glad we were able to go. I also remember that l had a successful and interesting conversation in German with the woman taxi driver.] Bob was sorry not to be able to come to Saal, but he already knew that we'd be there in August. I'm really looking forward to going there with him! We'll stay the night of the 9th, 10th and 11th of August, if that's O.K. On the 12thth we'll head for Vienna and spend two nights there, then back to Paris on the 14th. We'll come down through Zurich and spend the night there. Wouldn't mind up-to-date train times, if you have them, that is from Zurich to Saal, changing in Innsbruck, where we wouldn't mind having a couple of hours.

In Paris, we epect to have an apartment for the 2 ½ weeks we are there. I'll be working with the students for the last week. It's a big group again, so Bailey wants my help. I think you can expect a brief visit from him around the beginning of October. He'll be in touch with you.



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