Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Time for a rest day

9.IV.07 - MoM

It was a lazy day today. With such a late night, I slept in till 6:30 a.m. After a quick breakfast, I began the thank you note to the Woods. Nice to have a new note paper design already. Some of the previous ones were desperation notes to have a new one to thank them. Not only do I have dinner thank you's for them, but birthdays and get well stuff. I was rushing to get it ready by mail pick up (not sure if it was a Government holiday Monday) by 11.00. During all this, my computer indicated that my battery was almost dead. It was plugged in, but was so far into the computer outlet that I could not see any light around it. Finally, took the one out of my little desktop in my "office" and it worked. I haven't tried the first one in that computer yet. The one that gave up was the one Chris got for me when one gave up on me at his house about a year and a half or so ago.

The rest of the day's accomplishments were not major. I caught up on a little sleep mid-day and I am going to try to get to bed early. Dinner was more sliced rotiss chicken breast, romaine lettuce and dill pickles. Still have some of the excellent cake from last night to eat. Thank goodness for Boost, orange juice and meta, tomato juice and, of course, my cookies, tea and miscellaneous stuff for breakfast to fill out the daily food intake. It seems like I am eating a lot until I write it down. I was proud of me cleaning my plate and not being the last one to finish, last night. Sandy knew to keep my portions to a reasonable size when she was dishing up the plates in the kitchen. She helped Ruth keep the show moving smoothly through 3 courses.

* * * * *

There is no date on this letter from Sandy, but there are several clues that lead me to believe that make me think it was early 1985.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Sorry this is so over due -- I just never seem to get to the computer, which we have moved into the back bedroom. A much better place for it, but easier to put off going to it.

I am enclosing the bill for the renewal of People, which I asked them to continue for two years. It is cheaper that way (I always renew my magazines for the maximum time they allow, particularly since magazine prices tend to go up every year. Also, enclosing a copy of Pa Herb's obit, which turns out to be news of Connie's death, too. A friend of mine did some graduate work in English in Stanford, just barely knew Pa Herb, but knew that I had been close to them. I am of course sad, but also love the piece written here on him. I'm glad I talked to them both last time I was in California. [Wish the obit was still with this letter!]

Thank you for the birthday and Christmas checks. (Just checked my letter file and see I haven't written since December 2 -- is that possible? Sorry} Christmas check is on ice to use to buy two more place settings of our dishes when I finally get to the store that sells them. Birthday check went for a down vest to warm up my none-too-warm winter coat. Works well -- I'm still walking to school every day. Walking everywhere as a matter of fact. Have discovered that grocery shopping on foot is an excellent way to keep the food bills down, since you never buy anything you don't need if you have to carry it home (I don't have a cart like yours). We are on a serious low-fat cooking kick. I am using concentrated chicken stock to brown things in. Nice discovery: Those concentrated little ice cube bags are perfect for storing dense stocks. I'll never use them for ice. Ideal way to keep it frozen and have just a couple of tablespoons at a time. Working on modifying all kinds of recipes to leave out the butter. I'm sure this is as much for amusement as anything else. Winter is long here. I have mastered whole wheat pita bread, much fun to bake. Great for sandwiches to take to school -- my favorite sandwich is cold red beans, cheese, salsa brava and alfalfa sprouts on pita -- sounds terrible but actually very good.

[Have to give up. My eyes are really not cooperating tonight. Strange. Will start earlier tomorrow. Still working on my usual 2nd martini, but I am going to head to bed very soon. And it isn't even 10.00 yet. I guess I am more tired than I thought.]


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