Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Gator Nation Uber Alles


Ho hum-- another national championship. No, seriously, it's very exciting, amazing actually. For a school whose avowed goal is to become for something other than atheletics (say, scholarship, perhaps?), we have a strange way of going about it. For the record, I DID watch the entire second half, positive they were going to blow it, even though they were always ahead by at least 7 points. Round ball is just too nerve-wracking and boring at the same time.

Mom, I hadn't heard that a cop got hit by a car. Of course, no papers were to be found today, and we don't look at TV news. For the most part, Gator fans are not really destructive-- they don't burn stuff down or anything. The Library was planning to close early last night, as we do get over-run with drunken revelers from the bars across the street who overwhelm the bathrooms and generally make a mess. But before we could close, the fire alarm went off. It was the real thing-- a steam pipe had burst. Bill was on the phone much of the evening dealing with the crisis. Eventually they let everyone back in to get their stuff, then closed even earlier than planned.

Sounds like a nice field trip out to see the construction progress today. I wanna see too! Glad Marty could come to the rescue with your TV problems. With Ben's able assistance, of course!

I didn't get out today for a supplemental shop, and we're almost out of gin (the horror!). Tomorrow I go into the Library, so it won't happen then either. Dunno what I'm going to fix for dinner-- the plan A was axed by my non-shopping too. I'll come up with something. Last night I made a very interesting thing-- a lamb and spinach skillet. Strips of lamb, onions, red peppers, a pound of spinach, some Basalmic vinegar. Good stuff. A big batch of Mexican Cole Slaw to go with.

As promised: Look at this pretty girl! (As always, click to see larger image.)

Hasn't she changed just a bit since the wedding?! These, of course of studio glamor shots, but there's no disguising how the camera loves her, and vice versa. And that smile... guess all those years of wearing braces paid off big time.

More to say, but I feel the call of the book and the second See-Thru.

Just a little reminder to myself: Today I saw a memorable Colbert Report (a rerun) where Willie Nelson was the guest. He sang "On the Road Again," and to everyone's astonishment, Stephen joined in the second verse, singing dazzlingly perfect harmony! Who knew he could sing so well, besides being hilarious and terminally cute?

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