Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Yet a little more FL progress

30.III.07 - MoM

I was pleasantly surprised first thing this morning when I checked the blog not expecting to find one as usually there is nothing on your "Date Night." Mornings after dressing and doing my bed, I make my cup of tea then check the computer. After breakfast, I took care of another small hot spot in the kitchen. Later, I did some more on the clutter in my "office" and it looks neater, although I have too much stuff in there. Gradually, I am working my way towards my bedroom and closet -- the last and worst mess (on the 1st floor). The now unused upstairs will wait a while longer.

It looks as if it will take a little while for my face to heal but with a large enough Telfa bandage, I should be able to take over care of it before too long. However, it has some redness that worries Rita a little. It could be from some tape. We should have a better "take" on it tomorrow.

After Rita dressed my wound this afternoon, I took care of one little box of the clutter on the floor by my chair. There is still too much left there so I think I will put the things I think necessary to have handy there in a tote box, stash it somewhere such as in a nearby closet, then bring it out during the day when I need it. It is too bad to spoil the effect of my beautiful room with that cluttered computer/chair area. Now that I am getting around a lot without my walker, it isn't as necessary to keep stuff here when I am not actively working with it. Once upon a time, the then little bit of stuff there was not bad but somehow it has a tendency to explode in volume.

I have made wild rice tonight and have the veal reheating for dinner tonight. I had a large V-8 for breakfast for my day's veggies and there are artichoke hearts and olives in the veal. I also had Boost Plus and orange juice, so I consider that I have had my day's necessities. Now, I just have to get the appetite to eat it.

A gray day with some rain. My rain gauge on the deck is still covered from winter. I think I could probably take it off, but there is a chance of a little cold and snow again next week.

My new tomato plants have grown enough since planting 5 days ago to need their little plastic caps removed. It won't be long before I have to select the one of the 3 seedlings that will be the future plant. It is really fun. I always try to have a tomato plant in the sunroom to snack on as they ripen. These will continue to grow in the living room, however as the intense heat there would kill do them in.

Guess it is time for food.

* * * * *

Now, for some letters from Chris. This one has no date but it sounds like Spring of 1984.

Dear Mom and DoD,

Kind of surprised to hear you are going to leave all year around. I guess not really surprised, since as much as you seem to like it, it should be no surprise. So the garden is all on poor old me. I've made a start of sorts, putting in potatoes 10 days ago, and some lettuce, spinach, onions & radishes. It was probably too wet, but it has only gotten wetter since, so I don't know. The potato seeds looked real healthy (from Parkes this time) not dried little chips but small whole potatoes. So if they don't rot, we should have a crop. I put them in the same rows as last year, figuring that we didn't get rain enough last year to contaminate the ground, if that is even a problem. Anyway, I got all of this garden planted, then it rained like heck last week, ending in 4" snow which drifted like crazy. Result: snow still where I wanted to plant peas last weekend. So things have to dry out some before I can plant more, but the spirit is willing. I also started artichokes 10 days ago, which are mostly up now, these latter in pots indoors. I've turned the bathroom into a hothouse -- 75° for speed sprouting. Started peppers and tomatoes last weekend because there was nothing else I could do. I hope it's not too early. I'm going to start more tomatoes in a few weeks in the little Start-n-Grow kits. Those are so small they can't remain in those long. So I guess the garden is progressing. There are bulbs out all over the place just crocus' blooming so far though,

Your new landlady-to-be sounds a little like my Austrian boss. Wonderful hearted person but sometimes difficult to get along with. I see on the map that Saalfelden is some north of Meiringen and looks to be on northern Alpine slopes. Is there more snow? What differences are there between residing in Switzerland and Austria? When I told Greta you were moving to Austria, the next day she brought in pages from her old Austrian Atlas, which I Xeroxed and enclosed. She says she sometimes wishes she could buy a small place in Austria and return, but she's still one step behind you'all since she only got her place in WVa this year!

Hope you're happy and healthy,

Love, Chris



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