Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Too Much Standing Up


Spent hours today on the master bathroom shower. It was long overdue. Never intended to do this today, but when I went in to swish and swipe, I decided to see what a little Tilex and elbow grease might do. Not much, actually, but a lot of it went a long long way. It's about 95% better than it was, the tile floor (it's a large walk-in shower) is clean, and I laundered the shower curtain liner. When I saw what was happening, I started setting the timer so I didn't burn out completely. I'm very happy with the results, and a few more 15-minute sessions should complete the job. Yay, me.

The stir fry I had planned required cauli-rice, so I had to make a quick run to Publix to pick up a cauliflower and some sliced mushrooms. I started the prep at 5:30 and it took til 7:30! It looked like such an easy recipe, but I'd overlooked little details like slicing the pound of medium shrimp in half lengthwise, all of which added time. It worked out, since Bill didn't even arrive home until 7:30, but for all that, the dish just wasn't that good. Oh well.

I lurk on the main comics scholars list, but today was forced to actually post. Some student mentioned CBML, and by the time I checked in to read it, there were half a dozen comments, including someone who mentioned my ImageText article. It's embarrassing that I never finished that sabbatical project to the point where I could really publish about it. Still, it was nice to find myself on the map in some sense, at least.

Mom, some adventure with the stuck mouse. The approved method here for humanely evicting small critters involves an empty can (a large can of nuts serves well) and large a manila envelope or file folder. We keep this kit at hand at all times. One pops the can over the critter (frog, lizard, roach, spider, cricket, armored worm, etc.), slides the folder underneath, takes it outside, releases critter. Granted, this would not work with an ambulatory mouse, but for one stuck to sticky stuff, it might be just the thing.

Some other things to say, but I am physically drained. Gonna read, then sleep.



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