Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Feels So Good


I think that re-inviting you to join the blog under your new email address, as Sandy suggested, has probably fixed the problem, Mom. You are the only one who changed email addresses in the meantime, which is why only you had the problem. It's probably a good idea to wait for Sandy to help you respond, though, just in case something tricky is involved.

A fairly relaxed Saturday here. I was able to get out to food shop in the early afternoon for a change. Getting the plan done Friday night makes a huge difference.

One of the things Bill requested was Mushrooms Berkeley-- probably the oldest recipe (not counting family things) still in my repertoire. I first made it in 1974! It's from an old hippy cookbook, The Vegetarian Gourmet. Marcia Riefman, an art student at UF who had moved to Albuquerque, made it for us when Billy and I visited her on the Great Camping Trip. It is a main dish that makes one think it might not be so bad to be a vegetarian... almost. It has been popular over the years at pot luck events to which I've taken it.

I'd planned to have cauli-rice with it (it has a rich wine sauce that would be perfect) but that is kind of hard when one forgets to buy a cauliflower. I substituted half the bag of cole slaw mix I'd planned to use for Mexican slaw later in the week-- quickly braised.

It's strawberry season here (one of two), so I picked up a pint of them, along with some passable blueberries and good looking green grapes. I sliced the strawberries with the egg slicer, something I'd seen in one of the cooking mags. It worked great.

I have the best music stuck in my head just now, thanks to satellite radio (via satellite TV): Chuck Magioni's "Feels So Good." And indeed it does! Such a great tune, long and varied enough that no part of it gets boring. Also, it features Grant Geissman on guitar-- a jazz favorite of mine who also happens to be a comics scholar of sorts-- he is a Mad Magazine fanatic who has edited the major compilations, Mad About the Fifties, etc.

Which brings me to HD Radio. Bill says the most important thing is to be sure you can get reception of the stations you like. If you go to a local Radio Shack or some place similar, they should be able to tell you what you can expect. If you buy a receiver, make sure they'll take it back if you can't use it where you want it. If it works, you'll love it. If not, it's a waste of money.

Reading Jane and the Man of the Cloth, being the 2nd Jane Austen Mystery. Very enjoyable. I had to unearth my Great Britain travel guide so I could enjoy maps and pictures of the area. Going to go do some of that now, and then do an at least semi-orderly shut-down.


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