Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Spring Has Sprung


Oh my-- vibrant and creative Mom has caught the attention of the local press! Better hire yourself an agent and an assistant. This should be interesting. Maybe even spectacular, as the horoscope suggests.

I'm down to the last chapter of the last book on my previous stack; time for another visit to B&N. Also, another For Better or For Worse collection is out, so of course I have to have that immediately, and will read it first. I picked up the 2nd and 3rd Jane Austen Mysteries, Hunter Thompson's last book (Hey, Rube), a graphic novel version of Neil's Neverwhere, and, finally, volume one (of 4) of The Absolute Sandman, a huge brick of a book in a slipcover. That is part of my Christmas gift from you, Mom. Thanks!

And speaking of Christmas, the latter you transcribed today reminded me that I want to get a new slicer. What is the consensus of the group as to what's best?

Made the trek to Fresh Market. To my despair, the Magic Olives were no longer there! Two other Morea types, but not the pimento ones. Woe! Misery! Next time I'm in there, if they still aren't there, I need to buttonhole someone and beg them to order some more. My main mission there was to pick up some salmon for dinner tonight (some wonderful wild coho, not even that expensive) but also picked up some huge beautiful avocados, a wondrous loaf of olive bread, and the most amazing radishes I've ever tasted that weren't straight out of a garden-- a mixed clump of what they called "Easter Egg" with the tops and roots still on them-- red, white and pink. Heavenly! Bill doesn't like radishes, so they're mine, all mine...

Shopping sucked most of the time and energy out of the day, so no decluttering got done. I fixed the salmon by salting and broiling it, then putting orange slices, sliced scallions and cracked pepper on top and broiling for another minute. Simple, but quite good. Had the cuke-sour cream salad (with some good chives from FM) and some sushi from FM which I thought was way superior to Publix's, but Bill said he couldn't tell the difference. He did note how good the salmon was, though.

Tomorrow I go into work to get started on the comics. Would probably be a good idea to get a decent amount of sleep, so I will cut this short. Equinoctal Greetings to One and All...

And to all, a good 12 hour night.



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