Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Stir Fry Connection


FlyLady would be proud of me: I did 15 minutes in this week's Zone (the Master Bathroom), 15 minutes clearing part of another Pantry shelf (tossing another heavy bag of old stuff), and set Scooba loose in the kitchen. In addition to the usual routines, of course.

And I even played my keyboard for a few minutes-- although it took me many more minutes to figure out where to plug it in, and more still to get it reset to play normally-- the cat has apparently walked on it a few times and left some bizarre settings. I played the easy version of "The Rainbow Connection," one of the few things I can still sit down and play at once, and that I truly love.

Made a nice ad lib stir fry from an all but untouched 9 oz Outback steak from Thursday (it was too rare even for me, and I wasn't hungry anyway) using a bag of pre-fab stir fry mix (broccoli, snow peas, shredded carrots and broccoli), some onion slices, a leftover portabella mushroom cap diced, and the usual minced garlic, ginger and jalapeno. Over cauli-rice, of course.

I emailed my proposal for volunteer work with the comics to the people involved, and it looks like a go. May be a bit bumpy at the start, though. There is talk about paying me, but I do not want to get into that situation just yet. There are all kinds of rules during the first year about going back to work-- worst case, it could void the DROP retirement payments. Besides, I want the freedom to work when and if I feel like it.

Also, it looks like the final retirement hassle has been cleared up: my sick leave payout has finally been deposited to the right place. It has taken just under six months to get this straightened out. I need to send Tina, the woman in Library Personnel who bird dogged this through, some flowers or something.

Not much chance to read today, so I'm going to go and do some of that now.



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