Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, March 19, 2007

19.III.07 - MoM

LAST Night of Winter!

I really wanted to accomplish a lot today, but spent most of the day in my recliner as my neck doesn't give me fits when I sit there. At breakfast at my desk, it was only minutes until the pain began, so I had to take my cookies and tea to my chair. I also had the rest of the shrimp dip and chips while enjoying my Monday's NYT easy x-word. That is just challenging enough for me. I only had to check 2 things with Google.

I am delighted with the results of my bug purge last week. There were only about 15 BEBugs -- hardly enough to make it worth while to take the "snood" off the vacuum hose. I was able to enjoy a couple of short naps in Lafuma. With the door glass panes open and the shades pulled against the sun, the temp was perfect for napping. There is no neck pain in that chair, either. Thank goodness, it doesn't bother me in bed either. Enough complaining.

I realized this morning that when I was walking without the walker that I sometimes was favoring my bad leg causing me the limp around and that perhaps it was becoming a habit. So, I told myself I may be old, but there is no reason to hobble like I am. I found it didn't hurt that more when I made the effort to walk normally. This is my new crusade.

Will be having some more of the rotiss chicken, another potato ball, and the V-8 veggie substitute. Perhaps, I'll get out some freezer broccoli or peas, if not tonight, soon..

* * * * *

This is a continuation of a letter I wrote to Sandy and Bob in Dec of 1984 from Saalfelden, Austria.

In the same mail was a note from Albert Pico, that Treedy has been in the hospital for several weeks with a variety of problems and would soon be transferred to a convalescent hospital. The note was written Dec. 3. [At that time she had a beautiful apartment in Riverside and Fina was taking care of her. Later, Al got a house for Tweedy and her sister Ruth in Lompoc where he lived. Fina had "retired" back to Mexico.]

Have my addresses all on FILE now, and enough information that I could almost make an FBI report from them. Started a recipe file today that will be mostly for where to find the recipes and what ingredients are needed. Can put the recipe on too, where necessary. Have done a little work on the examples on REPORT but need more time to work that out. DoD says he will welcome any suggested uses for either. We ordered 3 of the solutions things, but as you know it may take a long time to get them. When I take the keyboard in about the "a - y" problem, I am going to see if they can adjust the space bar, too. Forget if I told you that the little switch by the 80-40 column one is to change the keyboard to American and the symbols are not at all in the same place so they gave me a little sheet that tells where they are. To follow the programs will make this switch necessary. So - I can't be hitting the y accidentally for the a as that is really the z key as it is really underneath it all an American board. Wow -- what a sentence that is.

Finely used up all of the parsley from the freezer, and the dill we put in went into pickles last week that are not too bad a substitute until I can get back to Vienna. They have been working for a week so will take them out tomorrow and put them in a jar.

It is snowing on Pa's Gang [Leogang - some nearby mountains] and seems to be moving this way. Last time I looked it was about 36 F but could drop, I hope. Also, snowing on the other mountains around us. (What did come in was cold rain and 36 F all night.)

DoD says that the high point for him of our travels was the landing beaches and the museum. He is rereading his Time-Life World War II books with the map he got on the trip beside him and enjoying it so much more. I got good slides of the maps in the Memorial and the one at the the beach. Also, a good one of the roses. And, have some of the "stones." As usual, have plenty of hotel pictures, but they will go into the information on the hotel FILE I am setting up. I plan to use it for friends that want info about places over here. Jan and Bill Fendrich are planning a trip in April and are looking for $50-70 range near the station. Could help in a few of the smaller places, but they are thinking of the larger cities in Germany and Austria. We will try to get them to stay for a night at least. Does Bob have a "window" for his time over here yet? I am still trying to hear anything at all from Suzy. From the letter we got from Chris with a small packet of mail this week, I know she is still around.

NEXT MORNING -- 6:00 a.m. (11.XII.84) Yesterday DoD moved the bed in "das Büro" back to the corner to give him more room around his desk. This morning when I went out to dust, I remembered the lost earring, looked on the floor about where the front of the bed had been and there was the poor little mashed thing. It looks repairable, but I will send it to you as is and let you get a local person to repair it as you probably know the jewelers there better than I know the ones here. (Time out to finish housework)

Well, DoD just finished his breakfast (he was still asleep at 7) and now has just informed me that he wants time on the Apple to study some on FILE. This is more than long enough. Happy Holidays, and THANKS for sending People.



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