Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, March 16, 2007

16.III.07 - MoM

When I went to bed last night, late again, there was a light snow falling that just dusted the deck. It couldn't have lasted long as this morning it was still just a dusting. It was cold today, again like yesterday, but the new snow is gone.

I spent time this morning "creating" a birthday card for Dave Wood's birthday this weekend and got it in this morning's mail. However, they are having a surprise party for him tonight.

I haven't had shrimp dip since last Thanksgiving, so I made some this afternoon and I am enjoying my own little "party" tonight. I ate my dinner first and am having my drinks and dip after. I am still trying to find shrimps with some taste since Orleans no longer has the ones that used to be quite good. They have a new label and even more shrimp sizes.

I did further BEBug patrol and had a hard time finding about 25 all day. The smarter and more active ones are those that seem to have survived.

Today, I finally got around to ordering the second AeroGarden thing from Amazon using some of my "rewards." I already have the "pods" for the little tomatoes, and another set for salad greens when my herbs finally run their course. They really produced up to the advertising claims.

I also made a separate order of x-words -- easy ones, of course. I got a late start in life doing them. They take the place of bathroom reading and are stimulating enough to keep my feeble brain cells moving.

In the early afternoon, I got so very sleepy again that I kept dropping off at the computer so ended up with several timed 15 minute naps. It looks as if I am going to get this done early enough to try to go to bed early. On Saturday morning the Today Show comes on at 6 a.m. for 2 hours. On Sunday, it is only on for 1 hour at 8 a.m. Happily, that is followed by Tim Russert for his hour of Meet the Press.

Later: I was writing this and having my first drink and the shrimp dip, when Charlie and Mike Larson came bursting in and said, "Come on, you're going to the Woods for the party. Mike Larson had worked for EarthWorks and helped design our yard. I hadn't seen him for over 10 years and didn't recognize him. I had talked to him on the phone last year when our dentist told me that Mike knew of a good company to install the sprinkler system.

Within 5 minutes, I had my clothes changed and was out the door. I hadn't seen Patsy and Charles Lonie for about a year so instantly had someone to talk with. And I had no trouble meeting other people.

It was a really fun party and there are going to be a couple of hangovers tomorrow. I was able to nurse my gin and ice as I was too lazy to go to the kitchen to get another drink. I was happy as a clam and had a lot of fun.

* * * * *

I am finishing copying the Sandy letter from Dec 2, 1984 after her return from Europe and our first fall in Saalfelden.

Well, that's my news. I am enjoying the wonderful convenience of being home with all my clothes and everything at my fingertips. Cooking up a storm, of course, but trying to limit it to stiff that won't make us fat. I've been walking to school every day, and that will help too. Winter is very dangerous for fat around here.

Bob greets you warmly. Love, Sandy

P.S. Sorry I didn't get this off sooner, but I remembered some things I needed to say. First, $$$. I figure I owe you $400. Does that sound right to you" If it's O.K., though, I would like to wait until we get our tax money back (should be March, as we will file as soon as we can). Things are a bit tight at the moment. Hope this is all right. I certainly enjoyed my time with you. I got some very good pictures of the stones, and a good one in Quimperle when I though I'd get nothing because it was telling me I needed flash.

Bob is hoping that some time when you are in Vienna (assuming that you are there before he comes to Europe, mid-April) he would like you to pick him up a little box of reeds in that store where Daddy and I went on the Dorothestrasse. He will add a note to this to tell you what kind. Turns out they do have some that he is interested in trying. (paragraph sort of scratched out) Never mind.

We were bewildered by the mix up on the Christmas card for Bob's folks -- particularly since the first line of your letter is "Even though you have already seen this car in letter to Bob's folks . . . "! So we were glad to get the explanation today. The card will be in tomorrow's mail. Nice picture, thank goodness. I was worried about those since I wasn't I wasn't used to your camera.

The snow went on all day Sunday, ending up at around 7". Then bitter cold, down to -6 F. Nasty business, winter. I'm already looking forward to going to Florida. We are under time constraints, since Bob has an opera to play right arfter Christmas (still during vacation), so we are going to fly, meaning we'll miss Gainesville. Suzy is not happy about this, but I don't see what we can do. We did have Christmas with her and Chris last year (Christmas Eve). Can't be everywhere all the time. Did have a nice talk with her last weekend. Must call Chris.

Enough of this. As you know, it's easy to go on and on. Keep in touch, hope you enjoy Italy.

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