Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, March 12, 2007

from Mom

12.III.07 - MoM

My progress today didn't keep up to the last few days. However, I did more on the box elder patrol. Yesterday is was 50, but I only did it once. Today, I had several hundred from 4 or 5 sessions. By afternoon, there were suddenly quite a few Asian beetles -- I think they are just hatching as before I had only seen about ½ dozen. I hope I never reach the volume of them that Sandy and Charlie have. My goal is to try to stem the tide before either one gets so heavy into the kitchen and my office. I have been killing some BEBugs in there all winter.

This morning my screen didn't want to get light enough to read. Usually, I can shut it off and when I turn it on again, it is okay. That was not the case today. I had copied your blog, Suzy, even tho it was too dark to read but had it in word but before I could save it, I lost it. It took several tries to get the screen to brighten up. Meanwhile, Sandy e-mailed it to me.

Even though I was able to have a blog first thing this morning, after the restart it told me I HAD to switch. Finally took the plunge and I did have a useable password. It told me that I was switched but they were out of space so I would have to wait. When I went back to where you click to get online, it told me I was switched but there was no little place to click to get it. Sandy thinks she knows what is needed and will stop by when she is in town tomorrow. So, tonight, I am e-mailing it to her to post.

Ate well today with my usual stuff and half a Schwan's chicken pie and ice cream for dinner. Now it is gin time. They don't seem to taste quite as good after eating, but not so bad that I am ready to give them up!

E-mailing is a good excuse to keep this short. I had a longer than usual nap this afternoon, but I am sleepy again so going to try early to bed. Still having a trouble getting my leg comfortable in bed but is okay in the daytime.

While I was writing this, Sandy e-mailed me as she couldn't get me on the phone. I carry one of the portables in the basket on my walker and things I am taking from room to room sometimes get piled on it, connecting it. Luckily, I was at the computer and heard my incoming message beep. Aren't modern gadgets great?


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