Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, March 05, 2007

A Deep Breath


Too wiped out last night to even fix dinner, let alone blog. It was a good second day of the conference. Both keynoters Hart and Horrocks were fine and interesting speakers, clearly passionate about their work. The surprise was Hart's SO, Leela Corman, a book illustrator in addition to cartoonist, and a very engaging personality. The two of them performed some of her upcoming publication, and it was wonderful.

We dined (if you could call it that) at the newly renovated Steak n Shake. A mistake, as it turned out, at least on a Sunday night. It used to be a pretty good fast food joint. No longer.

Spent today trying to catch up-- no, make that trying to jump in where I am-- kind of like finding the proper moment to jump into the jump rope that is being turned by others. Eventually managed it. Changed and laundered sheets. Planned meals and shopped for the rest of the week.

Made a baked fish topped with tomato/ olive/ caper/ anchovy/ wine sauce. Next two days should be more prosaic, and maybe back on the beam next week.

Long awaited first issue of Dark Tower comic arrived in the mail today (second issue is out tomorrow). Also, volume 10 of the Babylon 5 scripts-- these I fall upon and devour as soon as they arrive, to read the fascinating commentary, which never fails to make me laugh and cry, sometimes within the same page.

This may not seem like much of a day, but it left precious little time for taking a deep breath, let alone making a long post.


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