Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, February 25, 2007



Hope all you Wisconsinners are enjoying the s-n-o-w. A four-letter word to some, but I know you are all at least secret snow-lovers, if not overt ones.

Just took a break there to check on the Oscarama results. I never watch them anymore, but am interested in the results. Glad Marty FINALLY got recognized. Mean Streets and Raging Bull are two of my all time favorites. Not many other surprises, though.

Lessee. Got the sheets changed. Got the fridge cleaned out, and gave Bill a chance to eat the edible ones before they got pitched. He is so enthusiastic about the leftovers! He says very little when I serve the stuff first run, so I was surprised to learn that the mushroom/ dried tomato/ bacon dish is "If I ever climb Everest, this is what I want with me to eat." Say what?! He requested that it go into heavy rotation-- and I'm happy to oblige. It's very easy.

Got the week's menus planned, and out to shop at 4:00 PM. Fixed a brainlessly simple swordfish dish ("Vera Cruz") that was outrageously good. Along with edamame and a peaches/ cottage cheese salad, the latter to use up canned peaches from the recent desperation fruit salad. Good meal, ready in about 40 minutes.

Warm but unsettled weather as a cold front blows through. No rain, alas. After the hard freeze, we're having wildfires now. Oh joy.

Watched another excruciating but wonderful new ep of Battlestar Galactica. I can say no more.

Except to say that I'm about half way through Jimmy Corrigan. Also excruciating and wonderful. Now I really WILL say no more.

And so to bed.


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