Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Party Dress


Well, the dinner party is over with, which is a relief. It was nice, a large beautiful house. It was cold, though, and the bar (wine only) was outside on the deck. I froze. I was also the only one there in anything like a cocktail dress. Bill thought I looked nice, so that's what counts. I knew only a few people there, the other library dirs. Mostly it was people Dale knew from elsewhere on campus. The Provost presented Dale with a Presidential Medal. Turned out to be a buffet dinner, everything very salady. Catered of course.

I will try to post the picture Bill took so you can see the dress. It was taken after the party, so it, and I, are a little the worse for wear.

Learned at 3:00 this afternoon that Scott McCloud was lecturing on campus at 6:00 tonight. Damn! I might have actually begged off to go see him if I'd known about it earlier.

I went out shopping hoping to find a better pair of shoes-- no luck. I did pick up a little purse-let thing suitable for evening. And realized I had a rewards coupon from Best Buy, so stopped there and picked up The Devil Wears Prada and Little Miss Sunshine. Watched the former tonight and enjoyed it. Meryl Streep is amazing.

Hope you get a significant snow at an appropriate time, Mom, and that you continue to convalesce well. Enjoy your gin!


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