Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Power of Cheese


Happy Heart Day, fellow flies.

Another late start, but I was driven to get moving by the need to get across town and score some of Bill's favorite chocolates from our very excellent local chocolatiere, Thornbrook. I usually get a heart-shaped box made from dark chocolate, filled with an assortment of dark chocolate thingys, but had to settle for a paper box instead. The tiny store was cheek by jowl, and they'd sold out of the dark boxes.

While over there I got some banking done (depositing Christmas checks at last) and made a visit to Fresh Market. Picked up three more bottles of the Magic Olives (what a joy to find them still on the shelves, and with such distant expiration dates, too) and a few other things. It was quite crowded also.

I scouted out their cheese section. Sandy helped talk me out of spending outrageous money to mail-order Cowgirl Creamery cheese, encouraging me to try a local high end shop. I found a triple creme called Cathedrale de Meaux (at $10/pound, quite a bargain compared with $50 for 10 oz!) and also their house brand of Humboldt Fog -- I'd thought this was a brand name. Both were quite nice with some sesame crackers I picked up. I even sliced into the salami I brought back.

This late afternoon feed was a mistake. We went to our traditional valentine's day dinner at the Japanese steak house, and I could hardly eat any of it. What a waste.

The first of my Ferry Building purchases, the Bodum glasses, arrived today. I'm very curious to see how they do with keeping drinks cold and reducing condensation. Tonight's not the night for it, though. It's turned quite chilly again after a mild day or two.

Oh and that "dangerous weather" the paper forcast yesterday? It was a fake! The local emergency services are doing weather DRILLS of all the crazy things. As if we don't have enough stuff to worry about without false alarms! Don't they realize this will just desensitize people to real emergencies?


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