Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Time Shifts


Mom, those items under "links" are just pointers I made to other blogs that are of interest to us-- they don't necessarily know anything about this blog, nor could they post to it-- it's a one way link. Anyone could read this thing, but they would have to know the URL, or stumble upon it through some unlikely search. Don't worry about it, unless you think somewhere down the line you think you'd like to run for political office!

I had to laugh reading my letter you transcribed tonight-- the kindly, soft-focus memory had made my '83 birthday gathering into 25, when according to my own record, it was 14! Hee hee!

My attempt to shop at Sur le Table ended in failure-- today it simply returned me a page full of Java code. Very bad user interface. Rather than fight it, I just went to Amazon and ordered the same stuff there for slightly less.

Shopping at Publix was kind of a shock after Bay Area stores. (There's an understatement.) I made a rather forgettable fish in white wine sauce, with edamame and fruit salad as sides. Tomorrow I will try the Chipotle pork roast.

Finished rereading 40 Signs of Rain. Started rereading 50 Degrees Below. Should be all set to start 60 Days and Counting when it comes out the end of this month.

It's 2:00 AM here. What am I still doing up? Oh, right-- it's only 11:00 PST, a reasonable hour. Last night I was up til 3:00. At least I'm headed in the right direction tonight.


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