Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Shine, Shine, Shine


Yep, I was determined to take advantage of the first class perks this time, so ordered a Bloody Mary, forgetting that they are vodka by default. Like yours, Mom, mine was a glass of ice, a full can of Mr & Mrs T, and two bottles of Finlandia. I only used one of the bottles. What I'll ever do with 1.5 oz of vodka I brought home I have no idea.

Our breakfast was outstanding-- similar to yours, a mushroom omelet topped with salsa, a great sausage patty, roasted potatoes, bowl of fresh fruit, a small croissant w/butter. I ate all of it.

The flight was perfectly smooth, with some lovely views of the snow-covered Rockies and plains. Sat next to a very nice looking woman in her 30's, and we never exchanged a word (other than the usual "excuse me" sort of stuff) until we landed, and suddenly we talked up a storm. She was from SF, attending a business meeting in Charlotte. She told me that we'd left just before the rain hit.

Bill was about 10 minutes late to the airport-- he can never believe that planes arrive on time, let alone a few minutes early. My bag was one of the first out of the chute. We decided to eat downtown. He suggested Harry's, which is, of course, a seafood place. I deliberately picked out the ATLANTIC salmon, which they do very well indeed. The cat and I had the rest of it for lunch today.

And speaking of Carrot, she was very miffed at me at first: ignored me pointedly. After an hour or so she hopped up on my lap, but turned her back on me and just sat there, then hopped down. Eventually she relented, curled up, and all was forgiven. A very cold night here, so she slept with us, not her usual routine.

I spent all day stumbling around in a jet-lagged fog, trying to restore order. Got completely unpacked, all the clothes washed and put away plus the sheets and towels changed and laundered. Tomorrow I will go after the science projects in the fridge and start Blessing the house.

Bill had been out to lunch today and was not interested in dinner. There was only Dogs 'n' Kraut or Pasta a la Newman on the menu anyway, until I get out to shop.

In the mail today I got an official notification of the 50th MVUHS reunion October 5-6. I'm actually thinking about doing it! Carolyn Burke and I still keep in close touch, and of course Mike Peak. They sent a list of MIA classmates-- there were 6-7 I was sad to see on the list, but also happy to see many who were NOT on the list-- their whereabouts are still known, and they might be there. (Of course, they may be known to be dead-- a two edged sword, that list.)

Before I forget, thanks for the garlic slicer and the spreader-- a reminder of the heavenly Cowgirl Creamery. What a splendid day that was, the ferry from Alameda to The City. One of many high points. And as a bit of clarification: it was The Beach House to which I was converted, not the walker! :-)

Thanks for posting Marty's amazing letter from boot camp! That makes the experience so vivid I can picture what it must have been like. I am in awe of how well she did in that situation. And at the same time, I'm glad she didn't become the career soldier she easily could have been, and gave us Ben and Julia instead.

What a wonderful "Pickles" today! We ALL know what this is about...


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