Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Impending Adventures


Out to dinner two nights in a row, very rare. There was the usual Thursday at Outback, then the formal dinner associated with the dedication of the new Library Friday night.

The latter was Black Tie. Bill was considering buying a tux, but decided he didn't have time to mess with it right now and would rent one at the last minute. But he has the most incredible luck when it comes to shopping. The place he went to rent it had just decided to quit that part of their business, and so offered to sell him the whole outfit for the price of the rental! This was everything: coat, tie, pleated shirt, pants with the stripe, shiny-shiny shoes-- all for $68! He looks very handsome in it. Next time I'll be sure to snap some pictures.

I looked very nice too-- the long dresses I bought for the first cruise, a simple sheath of magenta brocade-like stuff. Quite comfortable, actually. The shoes, however, were instruments of torture. I'd put some gel insoles in them, and while they were more comfortable to walk in, they made the stretchy spaghetti straps (many, crisscrossing ones) cut welts into the top of my feet. D'oh!

It was a nice dinner, though, excellent caterers (fine food, top notch service), held in the newly remodeled first floor reading room in the old building. Everything was lovely. Tables for 8-10, place cards, fabulous floral arrangements, a string duet. Oh, and an open bar, of course. This was put on by the Howe Society, supporters of Special Collections. If Bill continues in upper admin, we will need to join this. If all their dinners are as nice as this, it shouldn't be too painful.

My former boss was there, to my astonishment. We had a chance to chat briefly. She looks great-- apparently San Diego agrees with her-- and why shouldn't it?! As expected, though, the cost of living is killing her. Another instance of The Rule: Great job, great location, great money: Pick two.

Our roof is finished, and it looks very nice. The relentless noise went on for three days. When it was done, the contractor was astonished to learn I'd been in the house the entire time! He told Bill I must have an incredible tolerance for noise. Uh, not really. But it would have been hard to get out past all their trucks and equipment, and I didn't like leaving the cat there alone, terrified. I'm glad it's over, though.

Had really simple stuff for dinner tonight. Bill has to go out to dinner with a candidate to be his new boss tomorrow night, and Monday we will go out for his birthday. I need to do a fridge purge be to sure there is nothing in there that will poison him. Even though everything is dated and labeled, he has no sense of how long leftovers are edible. I bought a small, sliced ham that he should be able to safely eat on the whole time I'm gone. And he has his various coping strategies to keep himself fed.

I'm starting to think about packing. I have my handy "How to Travel at a Moment's Notice" document that I made several years ago. Like you, Mom, I keep revising it for planned travel, but the basic list remains a security blanket of sorts. The kind of thing FL suggests for a Control Journal, and indeed I have a copy in mine, and also one on the project bulletin board by my computer.

Still haven't decided on The Book. I'm about 1/3 through Antarctica. Like all Robinson's stuff, it's not compelling or exciting in normal ways, and the writing is good, not great. But it's his ability to make IDEAS exciting and compelling that grabs me. I've been holding my breath for nearly a year until his next one comes out. (Third of a trilogy.) His best by far is Years of Rice and Salt. Brilliant book. I should look for it on audio.

Geez, you'd think I was packing for a desert island, the way I agonize over books! The worst that could happen in that realm would be being trapped in an airport, where there are news stands every few feet. I assume Alameda has some place to obtain reading material too.

I'm also having trouble reminding myself I do not have to worry about packing a bunch of survival food. Unless the nightmare scenario of being stuck on the plane on the ground for days happens, perhaps I can assume that First Class (oh my!) will take care of most of my food and beverage needs? Really, I don't know. I've been strictly cattle class all my life. Will I know how to behave? {Gnaws briefly on fingers.} I can find reasons for anxiety anywhere!

Still need to put some new stuff on my iPod. I wish that process weren't quite so cumbersome. I picture something like just waving the CD somewhere near the laptop, then telling iPod to go see what's new. I am technologically spoiled.

It has gotten very cold here again, very suddenly. One night, mosquitoes in the house, the next all the heaters going full blast, comforter back on the bed. Now it's back to raining softly, which I'm guessing portends another warm-up. The azaleas in our yard are just starting to bloom, signaling an early spring. Maybe.

Tonight I expanded my bartender skills. When Doug was here, we continued drinking after we got home, and Bill made himself a Jack Daniels Manhattan. I thought, I could do that. And tonight I did. And got it right. I still have a bit of logistics to work out, but I think I've got it. The only tricky part is just ONE drop of Bitters.

Hope you get a good night of sleep tonight, Mom, wherever in the house you land. Adventures ahead, and you need your rest!

Me too.


At 9:51 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

Great bookstore in Alameda (used books) and, of course, right next to Panisse is the fabulous whats-its-name, which I'm sure you're familiar with. Think there's an Oak in the store name.


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