Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Florida Winter


A pleasant Saturday.

Fixed two lovely dishes for dinner: Tuna steaks done on the grill pan topped with a tomato-dill relish (includes cukes, red onions, basalmic, lemon juice and olive oil, chilled for an hour) from Leanne; and from the 15 Min Low Carb book, brussels sprouts sliced in the Cuisinart, added to 1/3 c pecan pieces sauteed briefly in 3 T butter, cooked they get soft and start to brown, then a teaspoon of orange zest and 3 T orange juice added at the end. Fast, easy, and wonderful. Had a side of sushi, but it wasn't necessary. Publix has started making artisanal bread, so I was able to get a kalamata loaf and have it sliced. Very nice.

Tomorrow we will have our traditional Super Bowl feast -- Super Chili, some dips, popcorn, etc. Actually it makes more sense to have a big football celebration on League Championship Sunday-- a full afternoon of meaningful football without all the silly media hoop-la.

Speaking of which, Publix had a shopping basket full of the Sports Illustrated Gator commemorative edition. If either of my UF graduate siblings are interested in having one, they should let me know.

Beautiful weather here-- sunny, bright, no wind-- and temps in the 60's. Very sweet! This is the best part of winter in FL. Keeping an eye on the weather-- glad I don't have any plane changes in the middle of the country. Still, there could be problems in Charlotte. At least the weather in the Bay Area will be predictable. As Sandy says, I will be COLD no matter what it's like there, so it's turtlenecks and sweaters all the way down. Makes packing easy.

Bill is deeply involved with the first major upgrade/expansion of WoW -- apparently, it is not going smoothly. Something like 8 million people world wide play this thing, and there is a staggering amount of real money that gets exchanged for things that only exist in that virtual world. The Matrix is almost here.


At 8:39 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

Good idea to have your festival yesterday! The last playoff games are generally better games than the Superbowl, anyway, and for sure a great deal less hype.

We enjoyed yesterday's games, since both the teams we wanted to win did. And the end of the Colts' game was very exciting.

Yeah, we would like a Gator Sports Illustrated issue, if you run across them again.

Finished Lemony Snicket yesterday, am now deep into Peanuts. Thanks!!!!


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