Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, January 28, 2007



Realized today that the foodies on the Blog might appreciate some more detail about last night's repast. Here 'tis:

Dinner Menu


Salad of seasonal local fruits & greens with ciabatta crouton, grilled Georgia peach vinaigrette


Duo entree, herb crusted beef medallion with a savory pomegranate sauce and pan seared fresh water prawns with garlic lime buerre blanc


Chocolate mousse crunch torta & fresh fruit coulis

Notes: The salad was a beautiful bunch of arugula banded with a thin lengthwise slice of cucumber, with a couple of cherry tomato halfs on the side. There were also chicken and vegetarian choices of entrees. The mousse was served in a thin cup of sugar stuff, with chunks of darker chocolate, over small pieces of perfect strawberries and a few other fruit morsels I've forgotten. All was yummy and beautiful.

In countdown mode now. Even Bill has taken notice tonight: "What day do you leave?" Followed by "What time?" Shock at both answers. This has been detailed before, and it is written plainly on the calendar in the kitchen. He's finally gotten past denial.

Turned out he didn't have to do the candidate dinner today-- it's next Sunday. (Super Sunday! Poor baby. Already I don't feel so bad about being gone.) I made a large 4-bean salad this afternoon (using last night's string beans as a base) and tonight tossed the sliced mini-ham in the oven per directions.

Got the sheets changed/laundered on schedule, so that was good. Realized I was so involved in the K.S. Robinson book that it would be the airplane companion. However, I needed to STOP reading it, so decided to reread the first of his latest trilogy-- (the third and final volume is due out late February) then had one hellova time finding it. The book collection is so out of control! Yet, a little voice pipes up, yeah, but you DID find it, after only a couple of hours... so there's some control, right? :-)

Tomorrow will be given over to packing, of course. Yes, I realize there will be no First Class between Gainesville and Charlotte-- they don't offer it, though of course you pay for it as part of the ticket. We'll see it a 5 hour coast to coast trip still has any amenities other than a few cubic centimeters of breathing room for double the price. Even simple politeness would be a boon.

Well, not ENTIRELY packing. Also Bill's birthday. What a swell gift from me-- absorbed by packing, demanding an unreasonably early morning ride to the airport in the morning. The timing of all this is a bit awkward, to say the least.


At 10:15 PM, Blogger Suzy said...

Here's a comment. Ya ya ya.

At 10:16 PM, Blogger Suzy said...

ha ha ha


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