Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Book Lust


Sorry you're feeling sub-par, Mom. I bet a good night's sleep or two will fix you right up. Great stuff, sleep.

I got enough of it last night, but had to sleep most of the morning to make up for staying up past 3:00 AM ... reading, of course. In this case, I dropped everything to re-read your childhood copy of Dear Enemy that Sandy sent me. It arrived in the mail yesterday along with two t-shirts from The Beach House. What a great care package! It definitely brightened my day, and, as it turned out, shortened my night. I've read that book numerous times (most recently, online about 3-4 years ago) and it's always newly wonderful. An overlooked classic-- as far as I'm concerned, Daddy Longlegs is just a pale prequel.

Not sure what I did with the shortened day that followed. Nothing worth mentioning. We were supposed to have killer storms this afternoon, according to the paper, but nothing of the sort developed-- just a slightly warm and partly cloudy day.

Made a really good thing with chicken breasts tonight-- baked (brushed with olive oil) and topped at the end with a mixture of sauteed green onions, garlic and pecan chips, mixed with blue cheese. Quite wonderful.

We have been invited to a dinner in honor of Dale (former Director, now retired) by the Provost. Yet another gig as Mrs. Mini-Dir (what Bill calls his position). This one should be very interesting. It's a week from Friday. I will probably need a new cocktail dress-- my newest such thing is over 10 years old, most of them over 20. Time for a major closet purge. Christ, just when I thought I was through with having to play dress-up!

Think I'll make a stab at getting to bed before 1:00. Whoa, radical-- maybe I'd better do just a tiny bit of reading first...

Wish my scanner was operational-- I'd include one of the wonderful Illustrated Librarian temporary tattoos I had in my Xmas stocking -- like, "Born To Read," or "Read or Die," or, my personal favorite, "Book Lust." C'est Moi.


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