Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, February 17, 2007



Our spectacular azalea season is history-- last night's low temps zapped every one of the blooms in our yard, just before they were about to hit their peak. Boo, hiss! I asked Bill to take some pictures in the yard when he and the cat were out on patrol, but they didn't get around to it. Too bad.

This morning another package from the Ferry Building-- one of the original stove-top espresso makers. Bill had never seen one (didn't know they existed) so I got one for him for educational purposes, and also as a backup for when we lose power. It makes about the same quality brew as the machine, but more of it and much hotter (both a plus for me). However, Bill sez it's a bitch to clean, so it will probably remain a museum piece.

Finally got around to mixing myself a see-through in one of the new thermal glasses-- very impressive! The same four pieces of ice lasted through two drinks (two hours), and not a drop of condensation. Yes, it's cold tonight, but I and my drink are sitting in front of heaters. Sweet!

Didn't get out to shop today. Bill did some errands using Moonbeam, and I decided it would be more fun to go tomorrow. I've gotten addicted to driving the new car at least once a week.

I did finish 50 Degrees last night. One more week until the next one comes out. Meanwhile, I've gone back to Arthur & George, which is good, but painful reading. I shall persist.

It's precipping (is that a word?) outside-- if this were last night, it would be snow. Tonight, just cold rain. What fun. Or maybe not... was that thunder I just heard?


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