Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Highway Fever


Well, no wonder you're downhearted, Mom-- no gin until Friday--!! That's ridiculous. I think I'd ask for a second opinion. Clearly you have a doctor who does not understand his/her patient. My inclination would be to rebel. In any event: Courage.

Had to get up early to be ready for a Florida Pest Control guy to make a 3-month visit at 9:00. He didn't show up until after 11:00. He did knock down all the old wasp nests in the carport, and all the spider webs under the eaves, so I'll forgive him. This is a new person who has now replaced Clifford, the guy who'd been coming for the last ten years. Used to come once a month, so needless to say, I got to know Clifford quite well. He was always interested in all the flying magazines Bill has around, as he was once a pilot himself.

Listened to the new Tom Petty album (Highway Companion) on my iPod while Blessing the house-- and enjoyed it so much I kept going and did the big three in one stint. What a great record! Probably his best since Full Moon Fever. I can't believe how confident he's become, how completely comfortable with taking his influences and bending them to his own vision. Played it again after dinner while we had espresso. It makes me really sorry I did not try harder to get tickets to his concert here last fall. I know the show has been broadcast and is probably available somewhere.

Made broiled shrimp with a garlic/ lemon/ butter sauce-- picked that recipe from an old Pierre Franey book because it called for two tablespoons of chives, and I had some beautiful ones I got at Fresh Market last week. Came out pretty darn good. Had with leftovers (Blue Slaw and green beans sauteed w/mushrooms, which were better as a reruns than in original presentation).

Things are going badly at the library; Bill comes home angry and frustrated. Since this is a public forum (in theory, anyway) and there is a high level of campus involvement, I'll say no more. It's a good thing he has Azaroth to keep him from brooding about it.

Will it ever be warm here? Will there be a second spring?


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