Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mixed Media


Thanks for the great Oscar update, Sandy! I always used to watch them, but about five years ago I decided I'd had enough-- they took too long and were way too cringe-worthy. And now it's easy to get the info immediately on the Net. Don't watch any awards things anymore.

I love to see the dresses they wear, though. Just judging from still pictures, I was knocked out by how perfect Helen Mirren looked. I want that dress! I also thought Jody Foster, Reese Witherspoon, and Nicole Kidman looked fabulous.

I have not seen either Babel or The Departed. I knew the latter was a gore-fest, and since everyone agrees it was not one of Marty's best, why put myself through it. The former, well-- I love Cate Blanchett, but I can do without Brad Pitt. If you think it's worth a look I'll try to catch it. I'm trying to break the habit of buying every movie I want to see. I can't be bothered renting, but am considering joining NetFlix for things I'm not sure I'll like and/or ever want to watch again. I have way too many movies that have never come out of the shrink wrap. A very bad addiction, and extension of the bibliomania.

I've always loved Meryl Streep, ever since seeing her in some TV mini-series about the Holocaust while in La Crosse. She's a truly neat person as well as an amazing actress. Of course, she didn't have a chance to win this year-- it usually goes to a beautiful woman who makes herself ugly to play a role-- and Streep was just too glacially gorgeous in Prada to qualify.

Well. Bill figured out what went wrong with my car insurance: when I retired, he suggested I drop the UF payroll deduction I'd had and transfer to his policy. Fine, except while he got Blue insured, he neglected to insure ME. He called his company and got it taken care of-- supposedly-- they faxed the info to DMV. However, when I tried to call them to confirm that it had been resolved, I got nothing but busy signals all afternoon. Sigh. I guess it's safe to drive again, but very. Carefully.

I finished Jimmy Corrigan today. I'm still reeling from it. I tried to tell Bill what it was/was about, and found it impossible. I wish I had the emotional fortitude to read it again to get a better grip on it, but... not now. Not just yet.

I'm back to reading Will in the World. When I get done here, I'll read a chapter or two of the Jane Austen mystery. Before I read another one, though, I really should take up the two originals I still haven't read: Mansfield Park and Northanger Abbey. Something in me does not want to live in a world where there is no more new Austen to be read, so I keep putting them off.

Got a crock pot thing started before noon: Chicken and Sausage Stew. It was surprisingly good. The cat, in particular, was ecstatic about it. She grunted and squeeked her pleasure with each and every bite. That kind of feedback is very gratifying.

It's good you are getting some snow tonight, Mom, so you feel okay about postponing the surgery. Hope it's a beautiful as well as useful snow. Good luck with the taxes. Ours will be more complicated this year, thanks to my retirement.

The Bar is still open, so the Barmaid is still on duty. However, if it goes much later, the Barmaid will be pouring drinks in her sleep.


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