Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Pre-Con Angst


It was warm today, and the air was not nice. When I went out to go to the P.O., I smelled smoke. Somewhere nearby there's a wildfire. This does not bode well.

I got she towels done, but not much else. There was a huge load of Bill's big whites in the washer. I finished that off and got it folded.

Realized when I got ready to start dinner that I didn't have all the ingredients for the stir fry I was planning. D'oh! If I'd have checked earlier, I could have stopped by Publix on the way back from the P.O. I went with tomorrow's menu, cajun pork chops, which I did not get done enough-- hard to check that when the cajun spice colors everything reddish. Steamed spinach, tomato/ avocado salad.

Understand what a relief it is to finally banish the last of Christmas, Mom. I haven't quite managed it, myself. Still in evidence is a bag of snow-like cotton, and a very late "gift" from Barbara of a 10" Father Christmas figurine. I put "gift" in quotes, because I know she is disbanding a huge collection of Santas of all kinds. I now need to find a box to house the snow and the figurine.

Got the Jane Austin Mystery (the first) today. Am using reading bits of it as a reward for doing other things that need doing now-- like getting through Jimmy Corrigan before the UF Comics Conference this weekend. (Their website is working again, at least at the moment.) This will become even more of a challenge after tomorrow, when the long-awaited Sixty Days and Counting, a POTN (plain old text novel) comes out. Of course, B&N will probably be late getting it in, and I will have wasted the trip to go get it.

I also should re-read Alan Moore's Promethea, Neil's 1602, and a couple of others. Ain't gonna happen.

I presume the conference will have the usual table of temptations from Goerings. I try to limit my spending at these things to merely outrageous levels, but it's hard seeing all those obscure goodies all in one place. And I have loved each an every treasure I've acquired in this way. Sandy, you know what I mean! Wish you were here-- that was fun last year. Next year.

Also in the box from Amazon were new CD's from Patty Griffin, Lucinda Williams and John Mellencamp. Haven't loaded/listened to any of them yet. So much to absorb. How come it feels like I have less time?

Hey-- maybe that Amazon box will work for Santa and the leftover snow?


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