Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Stumblin' In


I'm so bummed out. In the pile of mail today from the PO Box was a notice my drivers licence was suspended as of Feb 14-- that insurance update I tried to do last month didn't work. It's on Bill's policy, so he will have to look into it tomorrow. Meanwhile, I can't drive. This is one of my major fears in life-- getting caught in the machinery of big bureaucracies.

I didn't get out to pick up Sixty Days today. As soon as I saw the D.L. notice, I ran to Amazon to order it. Earliest I can get it is Thursday, so I just did 2nd day air-- will be here Friday. By then I should have finished Jimmy Corrigan-- I'm 2/3 through it now.

Did a couple loads of my clothes, but not much else. Went ahead with the stir fry I'd passed on last night, using canned mushrooms and substituting some sliced zucchini for snow peas. Over cauli-rice. It was okay, but the electric wok (the red one of yours you gave me in Baltimore, Mom) has probably come to end of the road. I've used it a million times and the teflon is very scratched up; stuff now routinely sticks to the bottom. I think I'll just junk it. I still have the regular one you gave me at the same time, though I've never used it. Think I'll try it, and if it's too hard for me to deal with, I'll just get a new electric one.

I'm sure you're not overly disappointed to postpone that round two. Sometimes bad weather is your friend. This is good, because it will give you time to get completely recovered and rested up before going at it again.

Enjoying Sandy's letter. But surely it's April '85 she's looking ahead to, not '95, in the first paragraph!

Weather has been so warm here, Bill is back to ordering Tanq & Tonic from the Barmaid. I've been making them in the larger of the Bodum glasses, and they seem to work well. The ice lasts a lot longer, and while the glasses get damp on the outside, they don't actually get wet to the point of dripping down the sides. A Very Good Thing.

I did some "Stumble!" today, and as I suspected, it's a huge time-sink. It was fun, though. I'm into an explore- different- music phase, and found a good site to do that. Also have been checking out different channels on XM Radio via the DirecTV satellite. New and different earworms are always good.


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