Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Brave New Blogger


Well, Blogger forced me to upgrade when I signed on tonight-- no way around it. I don't know if or how it might affect the rest of you. Let me know if you have problems and I'll see if I can help.

Did not need this tonight. The time change always messes with my head. And so what do I do? Why, sleep till noon, of course. My new motto:

When in Doubt, Sleep 'til Noon

I'm not a speed-reader, Mom. Far from it. I'm a very slow reader, in fact. I just have a bad habit of starting many many books and finishing only a few. I've been trying to counteract this by keeping track of what books I think I'm reading now in the blog and noting when I actually finish them.

I looked into speed reading when it was all the rage. The idea of packing a lot of information into my head quickly was appealing, but when it comes down to it, a lot of the beauty of reading comes from being able to do it at your own pace, to reread parts if you want, to wallow in certain scenes and situations, or certain beautifully written passages. Reading for pleasure, rather than reading as a race.

Which reminds me, I realized today that this year's Library Read-a-Thon is in less than a month. I enjoyed reading a chapter of Coraline so much last year that I want to do it again. But that means I have to decide what to read at once so I can get started on practicing! It was my obsessive, relentless practicing that made it possible for me to do it, and have fun with it, last year. Coraline was so perfect, I'm not sure I'll be able to find anything that is so much fun and so easy to read-- the words just felt good in my mouth, so to speak, and the small audience that heard really got off on it-- I could tell. What to do for an encore?

I dragged myself out to shop late (by the clock) this afternoon, only to produce a very strange meal: Green Horse Chicken (a sauce of pureed frozen spinach, mayo, horse radish and lemon juice as topper for plain browned chicken), over-baked butternut squash and miked edamame. It was okay, and Bill actually liked the strange sauce. I have tons of it left over, and I'm thinking it might make a halfway palatable spinach dip if I add some cream cheese and/or sour cream.

Well, I see we now have a field for labels for our posts. This should prove a better way to mark posts with recipes or transcriptions of various sorts. We should talk about how to use these in some vaguely consistent manner.

Alas, this particular post has nothing that anyone would ever want to recall. I think. Maybe Read-a-Thon would be a good one. Or Menus. Hmmmm....

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